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"B2BITS company is looking for experienced C++ developer "
Отправлено Vladislav Lazarenko, 23-Апр-06 02:01 
B2BITS company is looking for experienced C++ developer to join the fixed income e-trading platform development group on the full time basis in Kiev office. The successful applicant will play an active part in all stages of software development including gathering user requirements, designing, programming, testing, and deploying new systems and enhancements. The successfully candidate should meet the following requirements: 3+ years of experience in software development of C++, UNIX and/or Windows. Multithreaded programming, XML, SQL, networks, distributed systems, database. Knowledge and experience of formal software development practices. People person with good communication skills. Self starter and strong team player. Quick learner, genuine passion for technology. C#/.NET experience (plus) We offer excellent career growth, training, learning proprietary & risk business, 50% paid English courses, comfortable office near Kontraktova metro station. Interested candidates please email CV with detailed description of your skills and work experience at

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