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"Проект KDE определили основные принципы развития в будущем"
Отправлено Нимано, 08-Апр-16 19:52 
> Какой-то маргинальный перец что-то там нашел. Не вижу никаких исков в суды

Это как, при установке согласится с
> By accepting this agreement and using the software you agree that Microsoft may collect,
> use, and disclose the information as described in the Microsoft
> Privacy Statement (,
> The data we collect depends on the services and features you use, and includes the following.
> Name and contact data. We collect your first and last name, email address, postal address, phone number, and other similar contact data.
> ... We collect data about you such as your age, gender, country and preferred language.
> Interests and favorites. We collect data about your interests and favorites, such as the teams you follow in a sports app, the stocks you track in a finance app, or the favorite cities you add to a weather app.
> ... This also includes data about your device and the network you use to connect to our services, including IP address, device identifiers (such as the IMEI number for phones), regional and language settings. It includes information about the operating systems and other software installed on your device, including product keys
> Contacts and relationships. We collect data about your contacts
> Location data. We collect data about your location, which can be either precise or imprecise. Precise location data can be Global Position System (GPS)
> Content. We collect content of your files and communications when necessary

> Advertising. Many of our services are supported by advertising. We use the data we collect to help select the ads Microsoft delivers - whether on our own services or on services offered by third parties.
>Finally, we will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content ...
> ... protect our customers ...
> ...operate and maintain the security of our services ...,
> ... protect the rights or property of Microsoft ...,

а потом подать на них в суд? o_O
И на каком основании? Тут же четко и честно сказано: дорогие пользователи, мы вас поставим ра^W^W очень любим и все такое. И вообще ни слова  о том, чтобы что-то там можно было отключить.  Так что добро пожаловать в анал^W рабст^W в Интернете Вещей, где и пользователи – такие же вещи. </пафос>

>  This puts Microsoft in a dominant position over its customers, which it takes advantage of to treat them as a product.
> In fact, Microsoft announced that, with Windows 10, it will begin forcing lower-paying users to test
> less-secure new updates before giving higher-paying users the option of whether or not to adopt them.
>  And it hardly seems warranted to trust a company that is reported to give the NSA special security tip-offs that it could use to crack into Windows computers.
> Advertising companies are surely licking their chops over Windows 10's new privacy policy,

Я так понимаю, что все это наглая клевета и  адвокаты МС не засудили несчастных чисто по доброте душевной? =)


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