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"DeepMind открыл код симулятора физических процессов MuJoCo"
Отправлено data man, 24-Май-22 15:32 
> Ух ты, как это возможно для задач такой сложности?

В общем, вот так:

>MuJoCo separates simulation parameters into two data structures (C structs) at runtime:
>mjModel contains the model description and is expected to remain constant. There are other structures embedded in it that contain simulation and visualization options, and those options need to be changed occasionally, but this is done by the user.
>mjData contains all dynamic variables and intermediate results. It is used as a scratch pad where all functions read their inputs and write their outputs – which then become the inputs to subsequent stages in the simulation pipeline. It also contains a preallocated and internally managed stack, so that the runtime module does not need to call memory allocation functions after the model is initialized.
>mjModel is constructed by the compiler. mjData is constructed at runtime, given mjModel. This separation makes it easy to simulate multiple models as well as multiple states and controls for each model, in turn facilitating multi-threading for sampling and finite differences.


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