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"Исследование поведения Linux на SSD-накопителе"
Отправлено Michael Shigorin guest, 22-Сен-11 10:18 
> Вот автора статьи я тоже уважаю.

Статья действительно слабенькая, как и комментарии... накатал с разбегу:

CFQ has had its overly fair share of troubles back then, mind you — I’ve stuck with deadline and was much happier.

Re XFS, two things:
1) the current behaviour regarding “unsure” blocks at crash recovery is “deploy zerogun in case there’s a sensitive info leak” (was supposed to change but dunno if they’ve done it as of 3.0.4 — it’s rather a local policy decision, not fs design decision, and should be tweakable);
1a) you do want stable hardware, stable kernel+drivers and stable power (including physical connector safety) with XFS to avoid losing data;
1b) don’t call me names, I’m using XFS since ca. 2003 for storage including multi terabyte by now;
2) XFS had pretty bad CPU wakeup footprint (which does matter for portables) a year or two ago, while ext3/ext4 didn’t (even if they tend to have much worse RAM and disk space overhead).

XFS is magnificent under heavy load, especially mixed/scattered one — provided one did take care of the aforementioned.

Re SSDs, the article is pretty weak:
1) no mention of partition alignment which is *critical* for performance and durability of both SSDs and 4k-sectored HDDs (and erase block size issues not covered at all);
2) no mention of “discard” and “noatime” mount options.

Part 2 is 404 by now, and I’m too lazy to dig up it on :)


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