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"Zend прекращает поддержку платформы FreeBSD"
Отправлено Ander, 03-Дек-09 00:30 

I have to repeat what fadolf said. Clearly nobody (or very few people) develops software using your commercial products on FreeBSD, so you are completely right to not offer ZendGuard and all other products for FreeBSD. But ZendOptimizer is a free product, that allows Windows/Linux/Mac paying users to deploy their application on FreeBSD hosting servers. If they cannot do it, someone will change the hosting server (few) and others will change the encoding application (many). I think maintaining ZendOptimizer for FreeBSD would be a little work that could benefit both you and your customers.

Alex Dupre (The maintainer of PHP ports for FreeBSD).
If you think because you may not have many premium freebsd based customers that removing loader support is not a problem then I suggest a rethink. I currently use 5 different commercial php applications that have closed source code, 3 of these have recently changed from zend to ioncube based on recent zend policies. FreeBSD is a major player in the hosting market.

Is the truth perhaps there is some affiliation with linux operating systems?

A developer may not use FreeBSD, but if they have customers who do use FreeBSD and they cannot sell their product because you zend won't support the operating system then they will move to a competitor (ioncube), they cannot tell their customers what operating system to use.


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