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Проблема с монтированием USB Flash Disk во FreeBSD (+), !*! hishnik, 20-Дек-03, 19:09  [смотреть все]
ОС FreeBSD 4.6.2
Ну значит проблема такова: купил я себе флешку (usb) ну и настрополился ее в юнихе примаунтить...пробую - ан нет в ядро umass не вкомпилил...перекомпилил ядро - все чудно : флешу втыкаешь - umass0 - говорит мол какая она кто сделал и где торчит - красота в общем.
Ну надо бы теперь и смонтировать, но моунтить надо ведь как da0 (SCSI), которая в свою очередь уже юзает umass0. Вот это выдается когда первый раз подключаешь (вроде все ОК) :
umass0: USB Flash Disk , rev 1.10/1.10, addr 3
da0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
da0: <C-ONE 064MB TINY 1.89> Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device
da0: 650KB/s transfers
da0: 62MB (127744 512 byte sectors: 64H 32S/T 62C)

А вот такое - после попытки монтирования:
(da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): READ(6)/WRITE(6) failed, minimum_cmd_size is increased to 10.
umass0: BBB reset failed, TIMEOUT
umass0: BBB reset failed, TIMEOUT
umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
da0: reading primary partition table: error reading fsbn 0
umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
(da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): Synchronize cache failed, status == 0x4, scsi status == 0x0
umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR

Нашел небольшой hack:

If the reader is supported, at this point you should be able to mount the device. If you are using a card from a standard camera or music player, the following command, typed as root, will mount it under /mnt:

mount -t msdos /dev/da0s1 /mnt

If this fails, it's possible that your reader is not supported under FreeBSD yet. It is possible that adding a "quirk" for your reader will help FreeBSD detect it. This involves some kernel hacking, which not everyone feels comfortable with. If you are brave enough to try, check the quirk reporting page at My very limited experience indicates the first quirk to try is DA_Q_NO_6_BYTE.

Результаты (удручающие):
OS = FreeBSD 4.6.2

USB Flash Drive: Pretec iDisk TINY
- Самый маленький из всех, которые я знаю
Детектится как:
umass0: USB Flash Disk , rev 1.10/1.10, addr 4
da0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
da0: <C-ONE 064MB TINY 1.89> Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device
da0: 650KB/s transfers
da0: 62MB (127744 512 byte sectors: 64H 32S/T 62C)

При добавлении элемента в массив структур
файла "/usr/src/sys/cam/scsi/scsi_da.c"
static struct da_quirk_entry da_quirk_table[] =
/*Элемент {...},*/
Получаем вывод при монтировании
`mount -t msdos /dev/da0s1 /mnt/flash`
Далее идет:
Изменения в массиве

Результат вывода
/*My Add-on*/
/* <C-ONE 064MB TINY 1.89> Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device
/*quirks*/ DA_Q_NO_6_BYTE
umass0: BBB reset failed, TIMEOUT
umass0: BBB reset failed, TIMEOUT
umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
da0: reading primary partition table: error reading fsbn 0
umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
(da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): Synchronize cache failed, status == 0x4, scsi status == 0x0
umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
/*My Add-on*/
/* <C-ONE 064MB TINY 1.89> Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device
umass0: BBB reset failed, TIMEOUT
umass0: BBB reset failed, TIMEOUT
umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
da0: reading primary partition table: error reading fsbn 0
umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
/*My Add-on*/
/* <C-ONE 064MB TINY 1.89> Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device
/*quirks*/ DA_Q_NO_SYNC_CACHE
(da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): READ(6)/WRITE(6) failed, minimum_cmd_size is increased to 10.
umass0: BBB reset failed, TIMEOUT
umass0: BBB reset failed, TIMEOUT
umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
da0: reading primary partition table: error reading fsbn 0
umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
ThNx. from X bl |JJ |\| ! |<

  • Проблема с монтированием USB Flash Disk во FreeBSD (+), !*! alx, 06:55 , 21-Дек-03 (1)
    >ОС FreeBSD 4.6.2
    >Ну значит проблема такова: купил я себе флешку (usb) ну и настрополился
    >ее в юнихе примаунтить...пробую - ан нет в ядро umass не
    >вкомпилил...перекомпилил ядро - все чудно : флешу втыкаешь - umass0 -
    >говорит мол какая она кто сделал и где торчит - красота
    >в общем.
    >Ну надо бы теперь и смонтировать, но моунтить надо ведь как da0
    >(SCSI), которая в свою очередь уже юзает umass0. Вот это выдается
    >когда первый раз подключаешь (вроде все ОК) :
    >umass0: USB Flash Disk , rev 1.10/1.10, addr 3
    >da0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
    >da0: <C-ONE 064MB TINY 1.89> Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device
    >da0: 650KB/s transfers
    >da0: 62MB (127744 512 byte sectors: 64H 32S/T 62C)
    >А вот такое - после попытки монтирования:
    >(da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): READ(6)/WRITE(6) failed, minimum_cmd_size is increased to 10.
    >umass0: BBB reset failed, TIMEOUT
    >umass0: BBB reset failed, TIMEOUT
    >umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >da0: reading primary partition table: error reading fsbn 0
    >umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >(da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): Synchronize cache failed, status == 0x4, scsi status == 0x0
    >umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >Нашел небольшой hack:
    >If the reader is supported, at this point you should be able
    >to mount the device. If you are using a card from
    >a standard camera or music player, the following command, typed as
    >root, will mount it under /mnt:
    >mount -t msdos /dev/da0s1 /mnt
    >If this fails, it's possible that your reader is not supported under
    >FreeBSD yet. It is possible that adding a "quirk" for your
    >reader will help FreeBSD detect it. This involves some kernel hacking,
    >which not everyone feels comfortable with. If you are brave enough
    >to try, check the quirk reporting page at My very
    >limited experience indicates the first quirk to try is DA_Q_NO_6_BYTE.
    >Результаты (удручающие):
    >OS = FreeBSD 4.6.2
    >USB Flash Drive: Pretec iDisk TINY
    >- Самый маленький из всех, которые я знаю
    >Детектится как:
    >umass0: USB Flash Disk , rev 1.10/1.10, addr 4
    >da0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
    >da0: <C-ONE 064MB TINY 1.89> Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device
    >da0: 650KB/s transfers
    >da0: 62MB (127744 512 byte sectors: 64H 32S/T 62C)
    >При добавлении элемента в массив структур
    >файла "/usr/src/sys/cam/scsi/scsi_da.c"
    >static struct da_quirk_entry da_quirk_table[] =
    >/*Элемент {...},*/
    >Получаем вывод при монтировании
    >`mount -t msdos /dev/da0s1 /mnt/flash`
    >Далее идет:
    >Изменения в массиве
    >Результат вывода
    >/*My Add-on*/
    >/* <C-ONE 064MB TINY 1.89> Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device
    >{T_DIRECT, SIP_MEDIA_REMOVABLE, "C-ONE*", "*","*"},
    >/*quirks*/ DA_Q_NO_6_BYTE
    >umass0: BBB reset failed, TIMEOUT
    >umass0: BBB reset failed, TIMEOUT
    >umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >da0: reading primary partition table: error reading fsbn 0
    >umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >(da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): Synchronize cache failed, status == 0x4, scsi status == 0x0
    >umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >/*My Add-on*/
    >/* <C-ONE 064MB TINY 1.89> Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device
    >{T_DIRECT, SIP_MEDIA_REMOVABLE, "C-ONE*", "*","*"},
    >/*quirks*/ DA_Q_NO_6_BYTE|DA_Q_NO_SYNC_CACHE
    >umass0: BBB reset failed, TIMEOUT
    >umass0: BBB reset failed, TIMEOUT
    >umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >da0: reading primary partition table: error reading fsbn 0
    >umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >/*My Add-on*/
    >/* <C-ONE 064MB TINY 1.89> Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device
    >{T_DIRECT, SIP_MEDIA_REMOVABLE, "C-ONE*", "*","*"},
    >/*quirks*/ DA_Q_NO_SYNC_CACHE
    >(da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): READ(6)/WRITE(6) failed, minimum_cmd_size is increased to 10.
    >umass0: BBB reset failed, TIMEOUT
    >umass0: BBB reset failed, TIMEOUT
    >umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >da0: reading primary partition table: error reading fsbn 0
    >umass0: BBB reset failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >umass0: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
    >ThNx. from X bl |JJ |\| ! |<

    у меня 4.9, все USB маунтится отлично, USB-фотик с флешь-картой, USB-флешь-редиер

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