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Подскажите, почему sanoid не трёт старые копии?, !*! camojiet, 05-Мрт-22, 02:00  [смотреть все]
Сегодня начал тупить один гипер, оказывается кончилось место. Кончилось, потому что не копии не чистятся, не пойму почему. Надеюсь на ваш острый глаз.

        use_template = production
        process_children_only = yes

        frequently = 0
        hourly = 12
        daily = 7
        monthly = 0
        yearly = 0
        autosnap = yes
        autoprune = yes

То есть копии снапы должны жить 7 дней, а они уже живут месяц:

root@bigdata2:/etc/sanoid# zfs list -o space -t snap bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2
NAME                                                                      AVAIL   USED  USEDSNAP  USEDDS  USEDREFRESERV  USEDCHILD
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-02-04:02:10:02      -  75.8G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-02-05:02:10:02      -  68.2G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-02-06:02:10:02      -  12.7G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-02-07:02:10:02      -   630M         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-02-08:02:10:02      -  56.9G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-02-09:02:10:02      -  70.0G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-02-10:02:10:03      -  70.1G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-02-11:02:10:02      -  64.7G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-02-12:02:10:02      -  65.3G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-02-13:02:10:02      -  71.7G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-02-14:02:10:03      -  73.4G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-02-15:02:10:03      -  66.0G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-02-16:02:10:04      -  71.6G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-02-17:02:10:02      -  76.1G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-02-18:02:10:05      -  50.3G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-02-19:02:10:02      -  54.1G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-02-20:02:10:04      -  63.6G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-02-21:02:10:02      -  92.3G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-02-22:02:10:04      -  34.7G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-02-23:02:10:02      -  22.3G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-02-24:02:10:04      -  88.8G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-02-25:02:10:04      -  68.1G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-02-26:02:10:03      -  76.4G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-02-27:02:10:05      -  75.9G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-02-28:02:10:05      -  79.2G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-03-01:02:10:04      -  73.9G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-03-02:02:10:05      -  72.1G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-03-03:02:10:04      -  68.5G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-03-04:02:10:06      -  74.5G         -       -              -          -
bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2@syncoid_bigdata2_2022-03-05:02:10:04      -  37.7G         -       -              -          -

Вот что говорит саноид-прун:

root@bigdata2:/etc/sanoid# sanoid --prune-snapshots --verbose --debug
DEBUG: initializing $config{bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2} with default values from /etc/sanoid/sanoid.defaults.conf.
DEBUG: overriding frequently on bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2 with value from user-defined template template_production.
DEBUG: overriding hourly on bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2 with value from user-defined template template_production.
DEBUG: overriding daily on bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2 with value from user-defined template template_production.
DEBUG: overriding monthly on bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2 with value from user-defined template template_production.
DEBUG: overriding yearly on bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2 with value from user-defined template template_production.
DEBUG: overriding autosnap on bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2 with value from user-defined template template_production.
DEBUG: overriding autoprune on bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2 with value from user-defined template template_production.
DEBUG: overriding process_children_only on bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2 with value directly set in module.
****** CONFIGS ******
$VAR1 = {
          'bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2' => {
                                                     'autoprune' => 1,
                                                     'autosnap' => 1,
                                                     'capacity_crit' => '95',
                                                     'capacity_warn' => '80',
                                                     'daily' => '7',
                                                     'daily_crit' => '32h',
                                                     'daily_hour' => '23',
                                                     'daily_min' => '59',
                                                     'daily_warn' => '28h',
                                                     'force_post_snapshot_script' => '',
                                                     'frequent_period' => '15',
                                                     'frequently' => '0',
                                                     'frequently_crit' => '0',
                                                     'frequently_warn' => '0',
                                                     'hourly' => '12',
                                                     'hourly_crit' => '360m',
                                                     'hourly_min' => '0',
                                                     'hourly_warn' => '90m',
                                                     'monitor' => 1,
                                                     'monitor_dont_crit' => 0,
                                                     'monitor_dont_warn' => 0,
                                                     'monthly' => '0',
                                                     'monthly_crit' => '40d',
                                                     'monthly_hour' => '0',
                                                     'monthly_mday' => '1',
                                                     'monthly_min' => '0',
                                                     'monthly_warn' => '32d',
                                                     'no_inconsistent_snapshot' => '',
                                                     'path' => 'bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2',
                                                     'post_snapshot_script' => '',
                                                     'pre_snapshot_script' => '',
                                                     'process_children_only' => 1,
                                                     'prune_defer' => '0',
                                                     'pruning_script' => '',
                                                     'script_timeout' => '5',
                                                     'skip_children' => '',
                                                     'weekly' => '0',
                                                     'weekly_crit' => '0',
                                                     'weekly_hour' => '23',
                                                     'weekly_min' => '30',
                                                     'weekly_warn' => '0',
                                                     'weekly_wday' => '1',
                                                     'yearly' => '0',
                                                     'yearly_crit' => '0',
                                                     'yearly_hour' => '0',
                                                     'yearly_mday' => '1',
                                                     'yearly_min' => '0',
                                                     'yearly_mon' => '1',
                                                     'yearly_warn' => '0'

Filesystem bigpool/encrypted/subvol-103-disk-2 has:
     0 total snapshots (no current snapshots)

INFO: pruning snapshots...


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Created 1996-2025 by Maxim Chirkov
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