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"Проверка на вирусы не корпоративной почты"
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. "Проверка на вирусы не корпоративной почты" +/
Сообщение от alex (??), 16-Янв-07, 11:57 
P3Scan is a transparent POP3-Proxy with virus-scanning capabilities.
This means that all your POP3-Clients in the Network can't fetch mails
from the internet without that P3Scan have scanned it. If a virus has
been found the mail is replaced with a notification and the original
(infeceted) version is stored on the harddisc. Transparent means, that
neither the client nor any of the used POP3-servers has to be configured.

This port is based on mail/pop3vscan, but the development for that
port seems to have ceased.


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Проверка на вирусы не корпоративной почты, leninskoe, 26-Дек-06, 10:30  [смотреть все]
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