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Анализ логов Squid, !*! DenverMoscow, 28-Дек-09, 13:30  [смотреть все]
Доброго времени суток!

Распишите с нуля как лайтсквид (или другой анализатор) прикрутить и настроить.


  • Анализ логов Squid, !*! SaveMeGood, 13:42 , 28-Дек-09 (1)
    >Доброго времени суток!
    >Распишите с нуля как лайтсквид (или другой анализатор) прикрутить и настроить.

    А паискать?

    • Анализ логов Squid, !*! Аноним, 13:02 , 03-Янв-10 (2)
      >>Доброго времени суток!
      >>Распишите с нуля как лайтсквид (или другой анализатор) прикрутить и настроить.
      >А паискать?

      установка программы сбора статистики lightsquid v1.8 в centos 5.4

      [/usr/src]# tar -zxvf ./lightsquid-1.8.tgz
      [/usr/src]# cp -r ./lightsquid-1.8/* /home/www/lightsquid/reports/
      [/]# chown -R apache.apache /home/www/lightsquid/reports/
      [/home/www/lightsquid/reports]# chmod +x *.cgi
      [/home/www/lightsquid/reports]# chmod +x *.pl
      [/home]yum install gd
      [/home]rpm -ihv perl-GD-2.35-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm

      настройки в файле /home/www/lightsquid/reports/lightsquid.cfg:

      # LightSquid Project (c) 2004-2008 Sergey Erokhin aka ESL
      # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
      # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
      # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
      # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
      # detail see in gnugpl.txt

      # -------------------- GLOBAL VARIABLES  ---------------------------

      #path to additional `cfg` files
      $cfgpath             ="/home/www/lightsquid/reports";
      #path to `tpl` folder
      $tplpath             ="/home/www/lightsquid/reports/tpl";
      #path to `lang` folder
      $langpath            ="/home/www/lightsquid/reports/lang";
      #path to `report` folder
      $reportpath          ="/home/www/lightsquid/reports/report";
      #path to access.log
      $logpath             ="/var/log/squid/";
      #path to `ip2name` folder
      $ip2namepath         ="/home/www/lightsquid/reports/ip2name";

      #path to `lockfile` ;-)
      $lockpath            =$reportpath;

      #if lockfile older $maxlocktime second, remove old lock file.
      $maxlocktime         = 30*60;

      #if 1 - lightparser generate some statistic
      $debug               = 0;  
      #if 1 - lightparser generate skip details, 2 ..., 3 ..., ....
      $debug2              = 0;

      # -------------------- LightParser VARIABLES  ---------------------------
      #squid log type
      #if native squid format (default squid, see in doc) - must be 0
      #if EmulateHttpdLog ON - set 1
      #digit - for speed optimization
      #try it set to 1 if parser generate warning
      #see also month2dec below !!!!
      $squidlogtype        = 0;

      #if you want skip some sites from stat, example our local www server
      #WARNING !!!, don't leave this variable empty !!!
      #example, if you want skip LOCAL site, put it here
      #use '' instead of "" !!!!!!!!!!!

      #$skipurl             = 'zdd\.com|192\.168\.1\.|cnn\.com';
      $skipurl             = 'zzz\.zzz';

      #define sobroutine file for convertion from IP into name
      #if you want skip some ip from log - return "SKIP THIS IP" ;-)
      #detail see in ip2name folder,


      #use for convert from Text to Dec convertion if EmualteHttpdLog format !!!!
      #fix it if need
      %month2dec = ( Jan => 1, Feb => 2, Mar => 3, Apr => 4, May => 5,Jun => 6,
                     Jul => 7, Aug => 8, Sep => 9, Oct => 10, Nov => 11,Dec => 12);

      # -------------------- Common (Parser & Web) VARIABLES  ----------------------
      #create & use time report statistic (logsize = logsize*2) ;-))
      $timereport          = 1;

      # -------------------- WEB VARIABLES  ----------------------------------------

      #see `lang` folder (avaible: bg,eng,fr,hu,it,pt_br,ru,sp)
      $lang                ="ru";

      #html template name
      #see template folder `tpl/$templatename/`
      $templatename        ="base";
      #$templatename        ="ric";
      #$templatename        ="base.css";

      #define type of decimal output
      #fine  123456789 -> 123,456,789
      #class 123456789 ->       117.7 G

      # define delimiter for thousands (in `fine` mode)
      # = " " -> 12 345 678
      # = "," -> 12,345,678
      # = ""  ->   12345678
      $decdelimiter        = " ";

      #if you dont need Group mode, do =0
      $showgrouplink         = 1;

      #if not zero, groups look like "01. Group1", if zero - "Group1"
      $showgroupid         = 1;

      #if you dont need oversize report , do =0
      $showoversizelink    = 1;

      #show how many data user send to internet
      $showputpost         = 0;
      #if putpost higer this variable (in percent), highlight it
      $putpostwarninglevel =15;

      #use or not .realname files
      #.realname contain pair userid -> Full User Name
      $userealname         = 1;

      #if url size exceed $bigfilelimit - add this file into report
      $bigfilelimit        = 2*1024*1024;

      #user maximum size per day limit (oversize)
      $perusertrafficlimit = 10*1024*1024;

      # weekend display mode
      # both - select sunday & monday
      # monday - only monday

      #how many site show in TopSites report
      $topsiteslimit       = 500;

      #how many site show in user time report
      $usertimelimit       = 200;

      #if you want user traffic GRAPHIC report, set it in 1
      #WARNING !!!, need libgd, GD.PM & other external modules !!!
      #please run for check library !!!!
      $graphreport         = 1;

      #higest value on graph report
      # for user month report (0.05*(...) = 50mb)
      # for all user month report (1.05*(...) = 1 Gb)
      $graphmaxall =0.80*(1024*1024*1024);

      #color scheme for GRAPHICs, avaible "orange","blue","green","yellow","brown","red"

      #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Group support

      sub CreateGroupFile($) {
        my $path=shift;

        open Fi,"<$cfgpath/group.cfg";
        open Fo,">$path/.group";
        while (<Fi>) {
          print Fo $_;
        close Fo;
        close Fi;

      #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- RealName support

      sub CreateRealnameFile($) {
        my $path=shift;

        open Fi,"<$cfgpath/realname.cfg";
        open Fo,">$path/.realname";
        while (<Fi>) {
          print Fo $_;
        close Fo;
        close Fi;

      Проверка все ли настройки сделаны правильно:

      [/home/www/lightsquid/reports]# ./

      LightSquid Config Checker, (c) 2005-9 Sergey Erokhin GNU GPL

      LogPath   : /var/log/squid/
      reportpath: /home/www/lightsquid/reports/report
      Lang      : /home/www/lightsquid/reports/lang/eng
      Template  : /home/www/lightsquid/reports/tpl/base
      Ip2Name   : /home/www/lightsquid/reports/ip2name/ip2name.simple

      all check passed, now try access to cgi part in browser

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Created 1996-2025 by Maxim Chirkov
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