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Выпуск файлового менеджера Midnight Commander 4.8.28, opennews (??), 29-Мрт-22, (0) [смотреть все]

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7. "Выпуск файлового менеджера Midnight Commander 4.8.28"  +1 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (7), 29-Мрт-22, 11:03 
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106. "Выпуск файлового менеджера Midnight Commander 4.8.28"  +/
Сообщение от Zenitur (ok), 30-Мрт-22, 12:16 
Goin' to the club until the morning and the light is coming up
Another day; I see the sun and feel alright.
Goin' to the club until the morning and the light is coming up
Another day; I see the sun and feel alright.
Goin' to the club until the morning and the light is coming up
Another day; I see the sun and feel alright.
Goin' to the club until the morning and the sun is coming up
Another day; I see the sun and feel alright
I don't wanna' sleep, I wanna' dance, I wanna' jump
Until the sun is going down I see the moon and feel alright.
Ye-eah! Everybody's fine, everybody's fine!
Don't waste no time, don't waste no time!
Comin' on strong, comin' on strong.
Back to the beat, this can't be wrong. Yeah!
Goin' to the club until the morning and the sun is coming up
Another day; I see the sun and feel alright.
I don't wanna' sleep, I wanna' dance, I wanna' jump
Until the sun is going down I see the moon and feel alright.
Ye-eah! Everybody's fine, everybody's fine!
Don't waste no time, don't waste no time!Yes!
Comin' on strong, comin' on strong.
Back to the beat, this can't be wrong. Yeah!
Goin' to the club until the morning and the light is coming up
Another day; I see the sun and feel alright.
I don't wanna' sleep, I wanna' dance, I wanna' jump
Until the sun is going down I see the moon and feel alright.
Ye-ha! Everybody's fine, everybody's fine!
Don't waste no time, don't waste no time! Yeah!
Comin' on strong, comin' on strong.
Back to the beat, this can't be wrong. Yeah!
Goin' to the club until the morning and the light is coming up
Another day; I see the sun and feel alright.
Goin' to the club until the morning and the light is coming up
Another day; I see the sun and feel alright.
Goin' to the club until the morning and the light is coming up
Another day; I see the sun and feel alright.
Goin' to the club until the morning and the light is coming up
Another day; I see the sun and feel alright.
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