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Mozilla внедрила в Firefox показ навязчивой всплывающей рекламы VPN, opennews (?), 26-Май-23, (0) [смотреть все]

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81. "Mozilla внедрила в Firefox показ навязчивой всплывающей рекл..."  –2 +/
Сообщение от iZENemail (ok), 27-Май-23, 09:52 
Рустокапец на локальном десктопе намечается из-за таких вот выходок.
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87. "Mozilla внедрила в Firefox показ навязчивой всплывающей рекл..."  +/
Сообщение от Аноним (87), 27-Май-23, 12:41 

librsvg ты святым духом собирать будешь?

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113. "Mozilla внедрила в Firefox показ навязчивой всплывающей рекл..."  +/
Сообщение от Аноним (113), 27-Май-23, 20:08 
>Рустокапец на локальном десктопе


Microsoft began rewriting portions of Windows in Rust in 2020, starting with the DirectWrite API (a part of the DirectX framework) which is responsible for managing high-quality text rendering, resolution-independent outline fonts, full Unicode text and layout support, and more. DWriteCore, the Windows App SDK implementation of the DirectWrite API, now comprises approximately 152,000 lines of Rust code and about 96,000 lines of C++ code. In
addition to enhancing security, this new code blend has reportedly brought significant performance improvements (5-15%) to font operations.

Windows 10 and 11 are written in C, C++, C#, and Assembly language, with millions of lines of code that will likely never undergo a complete, Rust-based overhaul. However, Windows' main graphics device interface (Win32 GDI) is being ported to Rust, with 36,000 lines of code already converted. "There's actually a SysCall in the Windows kernel now that is implemented in Rust," Weston revealed.

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