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"Городской совет Мюнхена запустил процесс возврата на проприе..."
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. "дайджест Мюнхена на разработку techrights возврата #2" +/
Сообщение от Andrey Mitrofanov (?), 27-Фев-17, 11:54 
>[оверквотинг удален]
>> большинство членов городского совета одобрили
>> запуск инициативы по разработке нового клиентского ПО для госучреждений, основанного на
>> состоится повторное голосование, которое одобрит или отклонит предложенный план.

>> экспертами отмечают дополнительные расходы в размере 15 млн евро на замену
> ++
> |
> [U]Statement by The Document Foundation about the upcoming discussion at the City
> of Munich to step back to Windows and MS Office [/U]

[U]Linux Pioneer Munich Makes Huge Step Towards Returning to Windows < >[/U]
[Ed: Microsoft's propagandist Bogdan Popa still lobbying against GNU/Linux in Munich]

[U]Munich City Government to Dump Linux Desktop < >[/U]
[Ed: This headline is a lie, it's anything but confirmed]
[U]Microsoft does not love Linux in Munich < >[/U]

The city council voted on Wednesday to create a draft plan outlining the costs involved in moving back to Windows. If the plan gets the green light, then the return to Windows could take place by the end of 2020.

[U]Munich’s Fake News On GNU/Linux < >[/U]

Truth doesn’t seem to matter much in politics these days. Just repeat a lie. If enough believe it, you get what you want… Despite proof that GNU/Linux works for Munich, the mayor and friends are going to migrate back to Wintel at all costs.

[U]Donald Trump’s administration is in ‘disarray’, warns John McCain at Munich Security Conference < >

[U]Ventspils Controls Costs With FLOSS < >[/U]

While Munich anguishes over considering returning to slavery, Ventspils relishes the freedom of Free/Libre Open Source software.

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Городской совет Мюнхена запустил процесс возврата на проприе..., opennews, 15-Фев-17, 18:57  [смотреть все]
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