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"Выпуск медиаплеера VLC 3.0.0"
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. "Выпуск медиаплеера VLC 3.0.0" +3 +/
Сообщение от Аноним84701 (ok), 11-Фев-18, 05:45 
> F-droid не осиливают собрать VLC, хотя это довольно просто и с этим
> справляется даже наш jenkins.

А может, кто-то лукавит?
hans 2017-09-27 06:49:59 UTC #15
VLC for Android is an absolute nightmare to build, and to keep building. Various people including @krt, @mimi89999, @relan, and I have contributed quite a bit of work. We’ve also tried to talk to upstream about streamlining some of the things, but they have been pretty hostile to our feedback.
> Check this article to compile for Android

VLC build instructions look simple and straightforward until you start following them. Even minor differences in build environment can cause issues (like automake 1.15 vs 1.15.1).

Sometimes they forget to update their source code.

For example, VLC 2.5.2 requires libvlc to be built from commit 1c02164. But the version they distribute was built with libvlc from ef7c26f5a7 (you can get this from logcat, grep “core libvlc: revision”). BTW, this mismatch can be the reason why F-Droid’s VLC 2.5.2 crashes.

Official 2.5.3 uses libvlc built from cbfa98bd98, which has not been published at all.

Hopefully those examples explain why we cannot build VLC.

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Выпуск медиаплеера VLC 3.0.0, opennews, 09-Фев-18, 21:41  [смотреть все]
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