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"В Ubuntu 18.04 ожидается отправка сведений о системе и режим..."
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. "В Ubuntu 18.04 ожидается отправка сведений о системе и режим..." +/
Сообщение от papa Kenemail (?), 16-Фев-18, 10:04 
вот что было прислано это касается впервую очередь работы браузера поэтому важно для всех! After trying Artsy system, everything seems alright with the exception of long standing hard disk activity which drops responsive behavior when web browsing, even just closing the web browser, mouse and keyboard drop functionality for long standing terms while there should be no connection between driver's requests, hard disk activity should take a different interruption request than mouse activity and keyboard activity, and it probably does, even video memory seems affected as there is no response from peripherals devices, not even to switch between windows, they simply freeze or slow down heavily. There is deactivation of swap memory (sudo swapoff --all), web browser is configured with 0 KB cache and no files are deliberately being accessed from any application, there is not any application loading in memory at the time so unresponsive behavior coming from hard disk activity seems unjustified. I am running Artsy over an AMD Dual-Core E-450 with 2 GB RAM, SATA Disk Drive and 100BaseT NIC over 10Mbps connection.
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В Ubuntu 18.04 ожидается отправка сведений о системе и режим..., opennews, 15-Фев-18, 10:26  [смотреть все]
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