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"Linux ядро не может мягко обрабатывать ситуации с нехваткой ..."
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. "Linux ядро не может мягко обрабатывать ситуации с нехваткой ..." +1 +/
Сообщение от qwerty123 (??), 06-Авг-19, 21:18 
>Поставил 64Гб - опять летезет в своп

Страницы смещаются в swap в зависимости от частоты использования.


Although swapping is generally avoided, there are several times when it is used in FreeBSD to address a serious memory shortage. Swapping is done in FreeBSD when any of the following occurs:

  -  The system becomes so short of memory that the paging process cannot free memory fast enough to satisfy the demand. For example, a memory shortfall may happen when multiple large processes are run on a machine lacking enough memory for the minimum working sets of the processes.

  -  Processes are completely inactive for more than 10 seconds. Otherwise, such processes would retain a few pages of memory associated with their user structure and thread stacks.

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Linux ядро не может мягко обрабатывать ситуации с нехваткой ..., opennews, 06-Авг-19, 18:47  [смотреть все]
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