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"Mozilla представила новые возможности по продвижению дополнений к Firefox"
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. "Mozilla представила новые возможности по продвижению дополне..." +/
Сообщение от iPony129412 (?), 14-Сен-20, 03:43 
> Ты совсем идиот или прикалываешься? MPL запрещает накладывать дополнительные (по сравнению  с самой MPL) ограничения на дальнейшее распространение исходников.

Сам такой.

FAQ из Mozilla

> Q21: Does the MPL 2.0 give me permission to make my own license by changing the MPL?
> Yes but, as with MPL 1.1, we strongly discourage you from doing so. It will almost certainly make your software much less popular and less widely used. Software developers and companies are already aware of and understand popular licenses like the MPL. If you create your own, they will have to perform a legal assessment of your changes - and may conclude it's not worth the effort to do so. Or, you may accidentally make your software incompatible with the Free Software Definition or the Open Source Definition, or with the other commonly-used free software licenses that MPL 2.0 is compatible with. If you like the MPL 2.0, just use it as-is - it is a clear, modern, internationalized, generic license. There is nothing Mozilla-specific, or specific to a particular country or project, in its licensing terms.

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Mozilla представила новые возможности по продвижению дополнений к Firefox, opennews, 11-Сен-20, 11:34  [смотреть все]
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