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"Утечка исходных текстов Windows XP SP1, Windows Server 2003 и других старых ОС"
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Присылайте удачные настройки в раздел примеров файлов конфигурации на
. "Утечка исходных текстов Windows XP SP1, Windows Server 2003 ..." +1 +/
Сообщение от Microsoft (?), 26-Сен-20, 16:48 
Including 'windows_xp_source.rar' in this collection, even though it's password
protected. Maybe someone can crack (or guess) the password and see what's
inside. The archive is bigger than the other XP / Neptune source tree. It might
be genuine, it might not. But I'm including it just in case, since the file was
so hard to track down. Original upload date seems to have been around 2007 or

The hash key is:

Happy cracking!

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Утечка исходных текстов Windows XP SP1, Windows Server 2003 и других старых ОС, opennews, 25-Сен-20, 14:37  [смотреть все]
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