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"Релиз видеоплеера MPV 0.33"
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. "Релиз видеоплеера MPV 0.33" +6 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (29), 23-Ноя-20, 11:29 
> Ancient Linux audio output. Apparently it survived until now, because some BSDs (but not all) had use of this. But these should work with ao_sdl or ao_openal too (that's why these AOs exist after all). ao_oss itself has the problem that it's virtually unmaintainable from my point of view due to all the subtle (or non-subtle) difference. Look at the ifdef mess and the multiple code paths (that shouldn't exist) in the removed source code.

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Релиз видеоплеера MPV 0.33, opennews, 23-Ноя-20, 10:06  [смотреть все]
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