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"Выпуск системного менеджера systemd 247"
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. "Выпуск системного менеджера systemd 247" +3 +/
Сообщение от nrndda (ok), 28-Ноя-20, 15:14 
> * KERNEL API INCOMPATIBILITY: Linux 4.14 introduced two new uevents "bind" and "unbind" to the Linux device model. When this kernel change was made, systemd-udevd was only minimally updated to handle and propagate these new event types. The introduction of these new uevents (which are typically generated for USB devices and devices needing a firmware upload before being functional) resulted in a number of issues which we so far didn't address. We hoped the kernel maintainers would themselves address these issues in some form, but that did not happen. To handle them properly, many (if not most) udev rules files shipped in various packages need updating, and so do many programs that monitor or enumerate devices with libudev or sd-device, or otherwise process uevents. Please note that this incompatibility is not fault of systemd or udev, but caused by an incompatible kernel change that happened back in Linux 4.12, but is becoming more and more visible as the new uevents are generated by more kernel drivers.

Какие же разрабы ядра плохие, что не исправили ошибку в systemd силами ядра.

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Выпуск системного менеджера systemd 247, opennews, 28-Ноя-20, 14:41  [смотреть все]
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