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"В Debian инициировано общее голосование по поддержке петиции против Столлмана"
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. "В Debian инициировано общее голосование по поддержке петиции..." +12 +/
Сообщение от Michael Shigorinemail (ok), 26-Мрт-21, 11:29 
>> Думаешь базальт официально не поддержит чтобы в тренде быть?
> Пока не поддержал.

Да нам как-то пофиг на те "тренды" по большей части.

> Скорее всего, они даже лезть в это не будут. Впрочем, это вопрос
> к присутствующему здесь Шигорину (если, конечно, он может говорить
> от лица компании).

Разумеется, таких полномочий у меня нет -- зато у нас каждый может спокойно говорить за себя и если другой с ним несогласен -- тоже может это высказать.  Что по техническим вещам, что по мировоззренческим.

А лично от себя отправил инициаторам этого безобразия следующее:

Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2021 10:52:52 +0300
From: Michael Shigorin <>
To: Steve Langasek <>
Cc: Louis-Philippe Véronneau <>,
    Joerg Jaspert <>, Neil McGovern <>,
    Steve McIntyre <>, Sam Hartman <>,
    Nicolas Dandrimont <>, Colin Tuckley <>,
    "Paul R. Tagliamonte" <>
Subject: re: Statement regarding Richard Stallman's readmission to the FSF board

> Richard M. Stallman, frequently known as RMS, has been a
> dangerous force in the free software community for a long time.

I've inadvertently offended RMS back in 2003 in Moscow by
telling him that he might be "the worst enemy of free software"
being too imperious in his stance -- _meaning_ that "the father"
and his words are much more important than e.g. my behaviour
to those interested in the whole movement (or opposing it).

And I've accused him of messing with Russia's internal affairs
when he declared "support for Moscow protesters" about a year
and a half ago here -- explaining some of the peculiarities
of that specifically crafted "protest".


> He has shown himself to be misogynist, ableist, and
> transphobic, among other serious accusations of impropriety.
> These sorts of beliefs have no place in the free software,
> digital rights, and tech communities.

You absolutely have NO right to speak for all of the community,
I think any single one of these.

And I tell you that you're humanophobic by claiming someone
is "transphobic".

You'll definitely learn that through experience.
But that one will be *hard*.

We've been through that a century ago here, you see,
and "Party (dis)approval" is what you're doing right now.

You're NOT speaking for freedom -- but for "minorities'" TYRANNY.

I've supported Debian before.  I will stop that when you pass
this crap -- guess you will, I've seen that "third voting round"
back in Kiev, Ukraine, in 2005 as well as the similar systemd
"do vote until" in Debian Project.  Tyranny does win, short-term.

"When God chooses to punish someone,
He takes their mind away"

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В Debian инициировано общее голосование по поддержке петиции против Столлмана, opennews, 26-Мрт-21, 07:48  [смотреть все]
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