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"Выпуск графического окружения LXQt 0.17"
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. "Выпуск графического окружения LXQt 0.17" +/
Сообщение от vz_2 (?), 17-Апр-21, 11:03 
> Here I'd like to share my thoughts for this issue. It would be great if LXQt can run on top of common Wayland compositors, including KDE's KWin, GNOME's Mutter or standalone ones like Sway. In the old X11 days, there are NetWM/ICCCM/... standards so that developing cross-window-manager DEs is easy. However, KWin/Mutter/etc. defines lots of different extensions on top of the fundamental Wayland protocol. Take lxqt-panel for example. NetWM allows windows to be docked, and defines "strut" so that maximized windows will not overlap the panel. Weston does not provide such a functionality, and KWin and Mutter use different APIs to dock windows and define struts. Making LXQt compositor-agnostic can be quite complicated. Maybe we can target KWin first.

Тащить KWin, да уж.

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Выпуск графического окружения LXQt 0.17, opennews, 16-Апр-21, 15:28  [смотреть все]
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