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"Microsoft открыл код прослойки для трансляции команд Direct3D 9 в Direct3D 12 "
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. "Microsoft открыл код прослойки для трансляции команд Direct3..." –3 +/
Сообщение от mikhailnov (ok), 30-Июл-21, 01:23 
"There are minor differences between binaries built out of this repository and the versions that are included in the OS. To that end, shipping applications should not attempt to override the OS version of D3D9On12 with versions that they have built. We will not guarantee that newer versions of Windows will continue to support older versions of D3D9On12, since it is an OS component which may be revised together with D3D9. However, developers are welcome to override the Windows version of D3D9On12 for local testing and experimentation."
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Microsoft открыл код прослойки для трансляции команд Direct3D 9 в Direct3D 12 , opennews, 29-Июл-21, 11:33  [смотреть все]
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