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"Релиз дистрибутива Manjaro Linux 22.0"
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. "Релиз дистрибутива Manjaro Linux 22.0" +/
Сообщение от iPony129412 (?), 25-Дек-22, 14:17 
> What PulseAudio does to your low-level mixer controls. Since PulseAudio 0.9.16 we merge the capabilities of all hardware mixer controls that are in the mixer pipeline between the application writing the PCM audio and the speakers actually synthesizing the audio waves into one powerful synthetic control, and expose this as our user volume control. This has various advantages: a lot of complexity and user-unfriendliness is removed, as there is only one volume control for the entire pipeline. And when audio is too faint it is clear that it is this control that needs to be changed, the user no longer has to search which control is to blame for the wrong volume. Also, a lot of technical control names such as "PCM", "Master" and suchlike that are generally not understood by the average user are hidden. The resulting volume control will provide a range that is the combined range of all mixer controls it is built of, and the combined granularity of all mixer controls in the pipeline. Also, PulseAudio will make sure that the mixer controls are initialized in the optimal way, when two or more different ways exist to configure the same volume. i.e. if -3dB can be reached by setting PCM to -3dB and Master to 0dB OR by setting Master to -3dB and PCM to 0dB the latter is preferred. Finally, if a mixer element does not provide certain functionality (for example: independant per-channel volumes), other elements' capabilities can be used to add this. As last step PulseAudio will emulate in software all the functionality the entire pipeline of hardware volume elements cannot provide, thus providing the same level of functionality on all cards.

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Релиз дистрибутива Manjaro Linux 22.0, opennews, 24-Дек-22, 20:46  [смотреть все]
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