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"Выпуск jsii 1.90, генератора кода C#, Go, Java и Python из TypeScript "
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. "Выпуск jsii 1.90, генератора кода C#, Go, Java и Python из T..." –1 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (44), 08-Окт-23, 00:51 
>Rust doesn't support inheritance and overriding methods.
>Implementing a usable workaround for this would be quite complicated and according to all the AWS CDK examples I have seen the only use of inheritance is done when setting up an App or Stack. And this seems to be more by convention and not due to any real advantage.
>While Rust itself is an extremely flexible and powerful language, its idiomatic way of doing things is quite strict and requires reformulating the vast majority of problems that are being ported from other languages. That's what needs to happen here. It's not complicated to write Rust code once you know how something will work... it's just figuring out how something needs to work that is the hard part.

Хвалебные оды язычку не помогли, когда произошло столкновение с жестокой реальностью. Там уже кто-то три года код пишет (или уже не пишет).

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Выпуск jsii 1.90, генератора кода C#, Go, Java и Python из TypeScript , opennews, 07-Окт-23, 14:00  [смотреть все]
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