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"Ханс Райзер прокомментировал перевод ReiserFS в разряд устаревших"
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. "Ханс Райзер прокомментировал перевод ReiserFS в разряд устар..." +2 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (64), 19-Янв-24, 13:38 
> А что он о Reiser5 думает? Норм тема или нет?

I don’t know what is in Reiser 5 — I haven’t been told, and I cannot go on
the Internet. Edward Shishkin is a very bright man though, and one of my
regrets is that I didn’t spend more time with him, I am confident he has
done some thing nice in Reiser 5. Who knows, maybe he has done some nice
plugins that I would never have imagined.

The compression plugin Edward
coded was the one thing yielding the biggest performance boost of all
the things we did in Reiser 4. Chances are high that I won’t be[page 26
follows] released anytime soon. I encourage people to allow those who
worked so hard to build a beautiful filesystem for the users to escape
the effects of my reputation. I invite you to empathize with what this
has been like for them for a minute.

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Ханс Райзер прокомментировал перевод ReiserFS в разряд устаревших, opennews, 19-Янв-24, 11:01  [смотреть все]
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