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"Раздел полезных советов: Настройка 4G WiMAX-модема на чипах ..."
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. "Настройка 4G WiMAX-модема на чипах Beceem в Linux" +/
Сообщение от richman1000000email (?), 16-Дек-11, 19:42 
>yes i copy that from windows where can i get that file ? about the >startup problem ? ...and what is the diffrent between macxvi200 and macvi350 ?

if /lib/firmware don't contents them when you use ./ instalator copyes his maxvi.cfg macvi350.bin to /lib/firmware, you don't need to look for the!!!!

>different macxvi200 and macvi350

macxvi200 - contents encrypted parts, and binded with CM and windows drivers, they cann't work one without the other. Cause of that i couldn't load it.

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Раздел полезных советов: Настройка 4G WiMAX-модема на чипах ..., auto_tips, 25-Окт-10, 11:32  [смотреть все]
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