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"Первый выпуск переносимого варианта LibreSSL"
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Подсказка: Второй уровень иерархии тем в форуме реализован через вкладку "Показ ключевых тем".
. "Первый выпуск LibreSSL, форка OpenSSL от проекта OpenBSD" +1 +/
Сообщение от й (?), 12-Июл-14, 18:06 
А, это не оно. Вот оно:

CVSync is a software package for distributing and updating source trees from a master cvs(1) repository on a remote server host. The OpenBSD sources are maintained in a CVS repository on a central development machine in Canada. With CVSync, OpenBSD users can easily keep their own source trees up to date.

CVSync uses the so-called pull model of updating. Under the pull model, each client asks the server for updates, if and when they are wanted. The server waits passively for update requests from its clients. Thus all updates are instigated by the client. The server never sends unsolicited updates. Users must either run the CVSync client manually to get an update, or they must set up a cron(8) job to run it automatically on a regular basis.

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Первый выпуск переносимого варианта LibreSSL, opennews, 12-Июл-14, 00:04  [смотреть все]
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