- Настройка второго внутреннего интерфейса, ВОЛКА, 12:00 , 21-Мрт-03 (1)
- Настройка второго внутреннего интерфейса, SergVB, 12:51 , 21-Мрт-03 (2)
>конфиг покажите... Исходная конфигурация с одним Ethernet-ом: ... version 12.1 ... ! ip inspect max-incomplete high 1100 ip inspect one-minute high 1100 ip inspect name Ethernet_0_0 tcp ip inspect name Ethernet_0_0 udp ip inspect name Ethernet_0_0 cuseeme ip inspect name Ethernet_0_0 ftp ip inspect name Ethernet_0_0 h323 ip inspect name Ethernet_0_0 rcmd ip inspect name Ethernet_0_0 realaudio ip inspect name Ethernet_0_0 smtp ip inspect name Ethernet_0_0 streamworks ip inspect name Ethernet_0_0 vdolive ip inspect name Ethernet_0_0 sqlnet ip inspect name Ethernet_0_0 tftp ip inspect name Serial_0_0 tcp ip inspect name Serial_0_0 udp ip inspect name Serial_0_0 smtp ip inspect name Serial_0_0 http ip inspect name Async_65 tcp ip inspect name Async_65 udp ip inspect name Async_65 cuseeme ip inspect name Async_65 ftp ip inspect name Async_65 h323 ip inspect name Async_65 rcmd ip inspect name Async_65 realaudio ip inspect name Async_65 smtp ip inspect name Async_65 streamworks ip inspect name Async_65 vdolive ip inspect name Async_65 sqlnet ip inspect name Async_65 tftp ... ! interface Ethernet0/0 description connected to EthernetLAN ip address ip access-group 100 in ip accounting output-packets ip nat inside ip inspect Ethernet_0_0 in ip route-cache flow half-duplex no cdp enable ! interface Serial0/0 description connected to Internet bandwidth 128 ip address xxx.xxx.xxx.138 ip access-group 101 in ip accounting output-packets ip nat outside ip inspect Serial_0_0 in ip audit IDS in ip route-cache flow no ip mroute-cache no cdp enable ! interface Ethernet0/1 no ip address ip nat inside shutdown half-duplex no cdp enable ! interface Async65 description connected to Dial-inPCs(modem) ip unnumbered Ethernet0/0 ip access-group 103 in ip accounting output-packets ip nat inside ip inspect Async_65 in ip audit IDS in encapsulation ppp ip route-cache flow ip tcp header-compression no ip mroute-cache async mode interactive peer default ip address no cdp enable ppp authentication chap ! router ospf 10 log-adjacency-changes network area 0 ! ip nat pool cisco-natpool-1 xxx.xxx.xxx.233 xxx.xxx.xxx.238 netmask ip nat inside source list 1 pool cisco-natpool-1 overload ip nat inside source static xxx.xxx.xxx.235 ip nat inside source static xxx.xxx.xxx.234 ip nat inside source static tcp xxx.xxx.xxx.238 ip nat inside source static xxx.xxx.xxx.237 ip nat inside source static xxx.xxx.xxx.236 ! ip flow-export source Ethernet0/0 ip flow-export version 5 ip flow-export destination 3012 ! ... access-list 1 permit access-list 1 permit access-list 1 permit access-list 1 permit access-list 1 permit access-list 1 permit access-list 1 permit access-list 100 permit tcp any any established access-list 100 deny udp any any range netbios-ns netbios-ss access-list 100 deny tcp any any range 137 139 access-list 100 deny tcp any any eq gopher access-list 100 permit ip any any access-list 101 permit tcp any any established access-list 101 permit tcp any host xxx.xxx.xxx.234 eq smtp access-list 101 permit tcp any host xxx.xxx.xxx.238 eq www access-list 101 permit icmp any host xxx.xxx.xxx.138 access-list 101 permit tcp xxx.xxx.xxx.192 host xxx.xxx.xxx.235 eq 1352 log access-list 101 permit icmp any host xxx.xxx.xxx.234 access-list 101 permit icmp any host xxx.xxx.xxx.236 access-list 103 permit tcp any any established access-list 103 permit tcp any host eq pop3 access-list 103 permit tcp any host eq smtp access-list 103 permit tcp any host eq www access-list 103 permit udp any host eq domain ...