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Настройка 2610, !*! oleg_k, 20-Май-04, 14:17  [смотреть все]
Дайте рабочую конфигурацию для 2610 с 16 модемами

спасибо за помощь

  • Настройка 2610, !*! Oleg_k, 14:20 , 20-Май-04 (1)
    задача простая удоленный доступ пользователей к интернету
    • Настройка 2610, !*! Volume, 15:53 , 20-Май-04 (2)
      >задача простая удоленный доступ пользователей к интернету

      без труда не вытащишь рыбки из пруда
      почитайте доки, задайте конкретные вопросы...

      • Настройка 2610, !*! Oleg_k, 06:11 , 21-Май-04 (3)
        конкретный вопрос что-то здесь не пашит подскажите
        соединяется через несколько секунд отрубается и все.

        service timestamps debug uptime
        service timestamps log uptime
        service password-encryption
        no service tcp-small-servers
        no service udp-small-servers
        hostname Cisco2610
        enable password 123
        username user1 password qwert
        username user2 password qwert
        username user3 password qwert
        no ip name-server
        ip subnet-zero
        no ip domain-lookup
        ip routing
        interface Ethernet 0/0
        no shutdown
        description connected to EthernetLAN
        ip address
        no keepalive
        interface Async 1
        no shutdown
        description connected to Dial-inPCs
        ip unnumbered Ethernet 0/0
        ip tcp header-compression passive
        encapsulation ppp
        async mode dedicated
        group-range 33 48
        ppp authentication chap
        no cdp enable
        peer default ip address pool Cisco2610-Group-1
        router rip
        version 2
        no auto-summary
        ip local pool Cisco2610-Group-1
        ip classless
        ! IP Static Routes
        ip route Ethernet 0/0 1
        no ip http server
        snmp-server community public RO
        no snmp-server location
        no snmp-server contact
        line console 0
        exec-timeout 0 0
        password 123
        line vty 0 4
        password 123
        line 33
        autoselect ppp
        autoselect during-login
        login local
        modem InOut
        transport input all
        stopbits 1
        speed 38400
        flowcontrol hardware

        или вот еще одна конфига тоже не работает

        service timestamps debug uptime
        service timestamps log uptime
        service password-encryption
        no service tcp-small-servers
        no service udp-small-servers
        hostname Cisco2610
        enable password 2691cegth
        username 123 password 1 123
        no ip name-server
        ip subnet-zero
        no ip domain-lookup
        ip routing
        interface FastEthernet0/0
        no shutdown
        description connected to FastEthernetLAN
        ip address
        no keepalive
        interface Group-Async 1
        no shutdown
        description connected to Dial-inPCs(modem)_5
        ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0
        ip tcp header-compression passive
        encapsulation ppp
        async mode dedicated
        group-range 33
        ppp authentication chap
        no cdp enable
        peer default ip address pool Cisco2610-Group-1
        interface Group-Async 2
        no shutdown
        description connected to Dial-inPCs(modem)
        ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0
        ip tcp header-compression passive
        encapsulation ppp
        async mode dedicated
        group-range 34
        ppp authentication chap
        no cdp enable
        peer default ip address pool Cisco2610-Group-2
        interface Group-Async 3
        no shutdown
        description connected to Dial-inPCs(modem)_1
        ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0
        ip tcp header-compression passive
        encapsulation ppp
        async mode dedicated
        group-range 35
        ppp authentication chap
        no cdp enable
        peer default ip address pool Cisco2610-Group-3
        interface Group-Async 4
        no shutdown
        description connected to Dial-inPCs(modem)_2
        ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0
        ip tcp header-compression passive
        encapsulation ppp
        async mode dedicated
        group-range 36
        ppp authentication chap
        no cdp enable
        peer default ip address pool Cisco2610-Group-4
        interface Group-Async 5
        no shutdown
        description connected to Dial-inPCs(modem)_4
        ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0
        ip tcp header-compression passive
        encapsulation ppp
        async mode dedicated
        group-range 37
        ppp authentication chap
        no cdp enable
        peer default ip address pool Cisco2610-Group-5
        interface Group-Async 6
        no shutdown
        description connected to Dial-inPCs(modem)_3
        ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0
        ip tcp header-compression passive
        encapsulation ppp
        async mode dedicated
        group-range 38
        ppp authentication chap
        no cdp enable
        peer default ip address pool Cisco2610-Group-6
        interface Group-Async 7
        no shutdown
        description connected to Dial-inPCs(modem)_10
        ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0
        ip tcp header-compression passive
        encapsulation ppp
        async mode dedicated
        group-range 39
        ppp authentication chap
        no cdp enable
        peer default ip address pool Cisco2610-Group-7
        interface Group-Async 8
        no shutdown
        description connected to Dial-inPCs(modem)_8
        ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0
        ip tcp header-compression passive
        encapsulation ppp
        async mode dedicated
        group-range 40
        ppp authentication chap
        no cdp enable
        peer default ip address pool Cisco2610-Group-8
        interface Group-Async 9
        no shutdown
        description connected to Dial-inPCs(modem)_9
        ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0
        ip tcp header-compression passive
        encapsulation ppp
        async mode dedicated
        group-range 41
        ppp authentication chap
        no cdp enable
        peer default ip address pool Cisco2610-Group-9
        interface Group-Async 10
        no shutdown
        description connected to Dial-inPCs(modem)_11
        ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0
        ip tcp header-compression passive
        encapsulation ppp
        async mode dedicated
        group-range 42
        ppp authentication chap
        no cdp enable
        peer default ip address pool Cisco2610-Group-10
        interface Group-Async 11
        no shutdown
        description connected to Dial-inPCs(modem)_12
        ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0
        ip tcp header-compression passive
        encapsulation ppp
        async mode dedicated
        group-range 43
        ppp authentication chap
        no cdp enable
        peer default ip address pool Cisco2610-Group-11
        interface Group-Async 12
        no shutdown
        description connected to Dial-inPCs(modem)_13
        ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0
        ip tcp header-compression passive
        encapsulation ppp
        async mode dedicated
        group-range 44
        ppp authentication chap
        no cdp enable
        peer default ip address pool Cisco2610-Group-12
        interface Group-Async 13
        no shutdown
        description connected to Dial-inPCs(modem)_14
        ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0
        ip tcp header-compression passive
        encapsulation ppp
        async mode dedicated
        group-range 45
        ppp authentication chap
        no cdp enable
        peer default ip address pool Cisco2610-Group-13
        interface Group-Async 14
        no shutdown
        description connected to Dial-inPCs(modem)_15
        ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0
        ip tcp header-compression passive
        encapsulation ppp
        async mode dedicated
        group-range 46
        ppp authentication chap
        no cdp enable
        peer default ip address pool Cisco2610-Group-14
        interface Group-Async 15
        no shutdown
        description connected to Dial-inPCs(modem)_7
        ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0
        ip tcp header-compression passive
        encapsulation ppp
        async mode dedicated
        group-range 47
        ppp authentication chap
        no cdp enable
        peer default ip address pool Cisco2610-Group-15
        interface Group-Async 16
        no shutdown
        description connected to Dial-inPCs(modem)_16
        ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0
        ip tcp header-compression passive
        encapsulation ppp
        async mode dedicated
        group-range 48
        ppp authentication chap
        no cdp enable
        peer default ip address pool Cisco2610-Group-16
        ! DHCP Server
        service dhcp
        ip dhcp excluded-address
        ip dhcp pool 1
        router rip
        version 2
        no auto-summary
        ip classless
        no ip http server
        snmp-server community public RO
        no snmp-server location
        no snmp-server contact
        line console 0
        exec-timeout 0 0
        password cegth2691
        line vty 0 4
        password cegth2691
        line 33
        autoselect ppp
        autoselect during-login
        modem InOut
        transport input all
        stopbits 1
        speed 38400
        flowcontrol hardware
        line 34
        autoselect ppp
        autoselect during-login
        login local
        modem InOut
        transport input all
        stopbits 1
        speed 38400
        flowcontrol hardware
        line 35
        autoselect ppp
        autoselect during-login
        login local
        modem InOut
        transport input all
        stopbits 1
        speed 38400
        flowcontrol hardware
        line 36
        autoselect ppp
        autoselect during-login
        login local
        modem InOut
        transport input all
        stopbits 1
        speed 38400
        flowcontrol hardware
        line 37
        autoselect ppp
        autoselect during-login
        login local
        modem InOut
        transport input all
        stopbits 1
        speed 38400
        flowcontrol hardware
        line 38
        autoselect ppp
        autoselect during-login
        login local
        modem InOut
        transport input all
        stopbits 1
        speed 38400
        flowcontrol hardware
        line 39
        autoselect ppp
        autoselect during-login
        login local
        modem InOut
        transport input all
        stopbits 1
        speed 38400
        flowcontrol hardware
        line 40
        autoselect ppp
        autoselect during-login
        login local
        modem InOut
        transport input all
        stopbits 1
        speed 38400
        flowcontrol hardware
        line 41
        autoselect ppp
        autoselect during-login
        login local
        modem InOut
        transport input all
        stopbits 1
        speed 38400
        flowcontrol hardware
        line 42
        autoselect ppp
        autoselect during-login
        login local
        modem InOut
        transport input all
        stopbits 1
        speed 38400
        flowcontrol hardware
        line 43
        autoselect ppp
        autoselect during-login
        login local
        modem InOut
        transport input all
        stopbits 1
        speed 38400
        flowcontrol hardware
        line 44
        autoselect ppp
        autoselect during-login
        login local
        modem InOut
        transport input all
        stopbits 1
        speed 38400
        flowcontrol hardware
        line 45
        autoselect ppp
        autoselect during-login
        login local
        modem InOut
        transport input all
        stopbits 1
        speed 38400
        flowcontrol hardware
        line 46
        autoselect ppp
        autoselect during-login
        login local
        modem InOut
        transport input all
        stopbits 1
        speed 38400
        flowcontrol hardware
        line 47
        autoselect ppp
        autoselect during-login
        login local
        modem InOut
        transport input all
        stopbits 1
        speed 38400
        flowcontrol hardware
        line 48
        autoselect ppp
        autoselect during-login
        modem InOut
        transport input all
        stopbits 1
        speed 38400
        flowcontrol hardware

        • Настройка 2610, !*! Mike, 10:15 , 21-Май-04 (4)
          на async интерейсах
          async mode interactive.
        • Настройка 2610, !*! Volume, 10:51 , 21-Май-04 (5)
          вы вообще чего там понаписали? зачем столько груп-асинков?
          чесслово, чем в этом разобраться, проще готовую конфу показать :))))

          interface Group-Async0
          ip unnumbered Loopback0
          ip nat inside
          encapsulation ppp
          async default routing
          async mode dedicated
          peer default ip address pool MODEMPOOL
          compress mppc
          ppp authentication pap
          group-range 41 48
          ip local pool MODEMPOOL
          line 33 48
          exec-timeout 0 0
          login local
          modem InOut
          modem autoconfigure type usr_courier
          transport input all
          autoselect during-login
          autoselect ppp
          speed 115200
          flowcontrol hardware

          ВСЕ, больше там НИЧЕГО не надо :)))))

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Created 1996-2025 by Maxim Chirkov
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