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EIGRP, !*! rew, 05-Май-05, 08:46  [смотреть все]
Подскажите пожайлусто как вычисляется метрика в протоколе EIGRP,и как получается эта цифра: [90/10514432] via

  • EIGRP, !*! denn, 11:24 , 05-Май-05 (1)
    >Подскажите пожайлусто как вычисляется метрика в протоколе EIGRP,и как получается эта цифра:
    > [90/10514432] via


    Cisco's EIGRP is similar to IGRP only in the sense that it uses the same metrics; Delay, Bandwidth, Reliability and Load. Be aware that the MTU is NOT used in the calculation of the metric, however the MTU is tracked through the path to find the smallest MTU.

    As with IGRP, the 'K' values for the last three are defaulted to '0'. Only the military use 'Reliability'. Most configurations use the first two metrics Delay and Bandwidth, with Bandwidth taking precedence. The metric for EIGRP is calculated by multiplying the IGRP metric by 256. So the formula used to calculate the metric is EIGRP Metric = 256*((K1*Bw) + (K2*Bw)/(256-Load) + (K3*Delay)*(K5/(Reliability + K4))).

    The default values for weights are:
    K1 - 1
    K2 - 0
    K3 - 1
    K4 - 0
    K5 - 0
    This gives the default formula of 256*(Bw + Delay) for the EIGRP metric. You can change the weights if you want to. However, just as with IGRP, these weights must be the same on all the routers!.

    Taking the example we used when looking at IGRP, a link where the bandwidth to a particular destination is 128k and the delay is 84000 microseconds. Using the cut down formula EIGRP metric = 256*(Bw + Delay), we obtain the value 256*(107/128 + 84000/10) which gives 256*86525 = 22150400.

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