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"Городской совет Мюнхена запустил процесс возврата на проприе..."
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. "Городской совет Мюнхена одобрил подготовку к возврату на про..." +/
Сообщение от Аноним84701 (ok), 16-Фев-17, 14:13 
> Депутаты на английском:
> Самое, как мне кажется общее мнение - "I really don't care what
> the OS is called. I don't care where it comes from.
> For me all that matters is that it works. Linux may
> be the right choice for many users but it's not for
> Munich."

Мусью из параллельной вселенной? Потому что у нас детали несколько отличаются:
> "I really don't care what the OS is called. I don't care where it comes from. For me all that matters is
> that it works," she said.
> "We've taken this step because Munich is alone struggling against the tide. This experiment has not
> ended up where we would have liked it. Munich took a unusual path. Most workplaces in Germany and
> worldwide are running other clients. Linux may be the right choice for many users but it's not for Munich.

Кстати,  главный прикол (о котором почему-то не любят упоминать радеющие за благо простых пользователей любители окошек) – тот же МS Exchange в качестве готового решение не подходит:
> At the same time, Greve pointed out that Microsoft Exchange as the mail and calendar solution of the
> Redmonder was not able to meet the previous requirements catalog from the software application in
> Munich and that the current solution had also begun as a development for the Federal Office for
> Information Security (BSI)

Вернее, в качестве решения при переходе на МС предлагается хорошенько подумать и прийти к выводу, что все это "ненужна!"
> Apparently, however, everything would be to reject the catalog according to the motto: "What Microsoft can not do, you can not want to."

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Городской совет Мюнхена запустил процесс возврата на проприе..., opennews, 15-Фев-17, 18:57  [смотреть все]
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