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"Городской совет Мюнхена запустил процесс возврата на проприе..."
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. "Городской совет Мюнхена одобрил подготовку к возврату на про..." +3 +/
Сообщение от Andrey Mitrofanov (?), 21-Фев-17, 12:03 
> - больше вас беспокоить не стану. :-)

``The ‘New’ Microsoft is Still Acting Like a Dangerous Cult in an Effort to Hijack and/or Undermine All Free/Open Source Software

Over the years we have covered examples of Microsoft retribution against individuals and organisations that were viewed as “enemies” of Microsoft. To Microsoft, competition is “enemy”, standards are an “enemy”, and even fair competition is an “enemy”. Less than a decade ago a government delegate compared Microsoft's methods to those of “Scientology cult”. That comparison was apt.


“I figure that even if Microsoft goes bankrupt, there will be a very long tail due to its cult-like nature and the spread of its minions throughout industry and, now, even academia. The big breakthrough needed there will be a court decision rendering anti-disparagement clauses invalid so that those that have had a change of heart can speak out.” `` --

`` Later on, with underlined bold face he writes: “under NO circumstances lose against Linux.” `` --

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Городской совет Мюнхена запустил процесс возврата на проприе..., opennews, 15-Фев-17, 18:57  [смотреть все]
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