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"Сторонняя организация пытается зарегистрировать торговую марку PostgreSQL в Европе и США "
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. "Сторонняя организация пытается зарегистрировать торговую мар..." +4 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (11), 14-Сен-21, 02:13 
Ну он хорошие вопросы задаёт:

Yet you are wrong when you state that Core Team holds trademarks. Core is not even a legal entity (the main mistake that I've been voicing for years; it should).

Instead, there's a "loosely associated" association in Canada (PAC), with a governing board as opaque as Core, that holds the trademarks. Let's even assume this is OK.

But then, PEU ( also holds trademarks! Why? Is PEU an "official" association in any way? (if so, there should be a process and rules to become official, but there aren't).

So if Core (read: PAC) is the only one who should hold the trademarks, why is not Core/PAC also suing and publicly bashing against PEU? What makes PEU special? What makes legally PEU different from other Postgres NPOs?

I've been asking this question for years, including many times during this "debate" with Core/PEU/PAC about the trademarks. No answer.

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Сторонняя организация пытается зарегистрировать торговую марку PostgreSQL в Европе и США , opennews, 13-Сен-21, 23:52  [смотреть все]
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