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"D-Modem - программный модем для передачи данных поверх VoIP"
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. "D-Modem - программный модем для передачи данных поверх VoIP" +/
Сообщение от Михрютка (ok), 30-Окт-21, 17:50 
Known Issues / Future Work

    Connections are unreliable, and it is currently difficult to connect at speeds higher than 14.4kbps or so.  It might be possible to improve this by disabling/reconfiguring PJSIP’s jitter buffer.
    Additional logging/error handling is needed
    The serial interface could be replaced with stdio or a socket, and common AT configuration options could be exposed as command line options
    There is currently no support for receiving calls

что, в общем, и понятно, учитывая направленность проекта:

Even in 2021, Aon’s Security Testing practice occasionally receives requests from our clients for penetration testing of systems accessible over dialup modem.

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D-Modem - программный модем для передачи данных поверх VoIP, opennews, 30-Окт-21, 10:01  [смотреть все]
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