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"В Linux появилась экспериментальная поддержка файловой системы exFAT"
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. "передержка файлов" +/
Сообщение от vitek (??), 03-Фев-09, 15:58 
ну почему же.
а вопрос с фс решили ещё проще - Wi-Fi connectivity:
Built-in Wi-Fi 802.11b/g connectivity1 lets you connect your Cyber-shot® DSC-G3 camera from home, hotel, airport, restaurant, or just about any accessible wireless hotspot and upload photos and videos directly from the camera. In addition, the DSC-G3 includes complimentary Wi-Fi access at thousands of AT&T locations across the U.S., including selected book stores and major quick serve restaurant locations as well as hundreds of premium hotels and airports.
Easy Upload Home Page: Direct from the camera, you can conveniently upload pictures and videos to popular sharing sites including YouTube™, Picasa™ Web Albums, Photobucket™, Shutterfly® and DailyMotion™. (YouTube and Picasa are trademarks of Google Inc., Photobucket is a trademark of Photobucket, Inc., Shutterfly is a trademark of Shutterfly Inc., Dailymotion is a trademark of Dailymotion SA.)
а вот упомянутая Вами exefs просто ставит в тупик...
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В Linux появилась экспериментальная поддержка файловой системы exFAT, opennews, 01-Фев-09, 23:02  [смотреть все]
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