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Проблема с SSHD, !*! Sergey, 08-Сен-06, 10:52  [смотреть все]

   Поставил FreeBSD 6.0 в минимальной установке. Не пойму почему по sshd не пускает. В 4-ке и 5-ке таких проблем не было. Ошибка следующего типа.

Это SSH2

Login on as user: xxxx

no matching comp found. Client zlib Server: none,
Press Enter to close...

А это SSH1
Login on as user: xxxx
xxxx@'s password: ******
The authenticity of host '' can't be established.
RSA1 key fingerprint is 6b:00:18:5f:b8:1f:ce:46:aa:a5:eb:24:8a:df:50:b8.
Do you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

Permission denied.
Press Enter to close...

  • Проблема с SSHD, !*! adil_18, 18:02 , 11-Сен-06 (1)
    >   Поставил FreeBSD 6.0 в минимальной установке. Не пойму почему
    >по sshd не пускает. В 4-ке и 5-ке таких проблем не
    >было. Ошибка следующего типа.
    >Это SSH2
    >Login on as user: xxxx
    >no matching comp found. Client zlib Server: none,
    >Press Enter to close...
    >А это SSH1
    >Login on as user: xxxx
    >xxxx@'s password: ******
    >The authenticity of host '' can't be established.
    >RSA1 key fingerprint is 6b:00:18:5f:b8:1f:ce:46:aa:a5:eb:24:8a:df:50:b8.
    >Do you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
    >Permission denied.
    >Press Enter to close...

    kak viju comprasing v kliente ispolzuetsya
    koro4e prosto day sshd_conf suda

    • Проблема с SSHD, !*! Sergey, 07:51 , 14-Сен-06 (2)
      >>   Поставил FreeBSD 6.0 в минимальной установке. Не пойму почему
      >>по sshd не пускает. В 4-ке и 5-ке таких проблем не
      >>было. Ошибка следующего типа.
      >>Это SSH2
      >>Login on as user: xxxx
      >>no matching comp found. Client zlib Server: none,
      >>Press Enter to close...
      >>А это SSH1
      >>Login on as user: xxxx
      >>xxxx@'s password: ******
      >>The authenticity of host '' can't be established.
      >>RSA1 key fingerprint is 6b:00:18:5f:b8:1f:ce:46:aa:a5:eb:24:8a:df:50:b8.
      >>Do you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
      >>Permission denied.
      >>Press Enter to close...
      >kak viju comprasing v kliente ispolzuetsya
      >koro4e prosto day sshd_conf suda

      Вот конфиг, работает на ура на версиях 4.x и 5.x, на 6-ой ни в какую.

      # This is ssh server systemwide configuration file.
      # $FreeBSD: src/crypto/openssh/sshd_config,v 2001/01/18 22:36:53 green Exp $

      Port 22
      #Protocol 2,1
      #ListenAddress ::
      HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key
      HostDsaKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
      ServerKeyBits 768
      LoginGraceTime 120
      KeyRegenerationInterval 3600
      PermitRootLogin no
      # ConnectionsPerPeriod has been deprecated completely

      # After 10 unauthenticated connections, refuse 30% of the new ones, and
      # refuse any more than 60 total.
      MaxStartups 10:30:60
      # Don't read ~/.rhosts and ~/.shosts files
      IgnoreRhosts yes
      # Uncomment if you don't trust ~/.ssh/known_hosts for RhostsRSAAuthentication
      #IgnoreUserKnownHosts yes
      StrictModes yes
      X11Forwarding yes
      X11DisplayOffset 10
      PrintMotd yes
      KeepAlive yes

      # Logging
      SyslogFacility AUTH
      LogLevel INFO
      #obsoletes QuietMode and FascistLogging

      #RhostsAuthentication no
      # For this to work you will also need host keys in /etc/ssh_known_hosts
      RhostsRSAAuthentication no
      RSAAuthentication yes

      # To disable tunneled clear text passwords, change to no here!
      PasswordAuthentication yes
      PermitEmptyPasswords no
      # Uncomment to disable s/key passwords
      #SkeyAuthentication no
      #KbdInteractiveAuthentication yes

      # To change Kerberos options
      #KerberosAuthentication no
      #KerberosOrLocalPasswd yes
      #AFSTokenPassing no
      #KerberosTicketCleanup no

      # Kerberos TGT Passing does only work with the AFS kaserver
      #KerberosTgtPassing yes

      #CheckMail yes
      GatewayPorts no
      AllowTcpForwarding yes
      Protocol 2
      #UseLogin no

      # Uncomment if you want to enable sftp
      #Subsystem    sftp    /usr/libexec/sftp-server

      • Проблема с SSHD, !*! Sergey, 10:55 , 18-Сен-06 (3)
        >>>   Поставил FreeBSD 6.0 в минимальной установке. Не пойму почему
        >>>по sshd не пускает. В 4-ке и 5-ке таких проблем не
        >>>было. Ошибка следующего типа.
        >>>Это SSH2
        >>>Login on as user: xxxx
        >>>no matching comp found. Client zlib Server: none,
        >>>Press Enter to close...
        >>>А это SSH1
        >>>Login on as user: xxxx
        >>>xxxx@'s password: ******
        >>>The authenticity of host '' can't be established.
        >>>RSA1 key fingerprint is 6b:00:18:5f:b8:1f:ce:46:aa:a5:eb:24:8a:df:50:b8.
        >>>Do you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
        >>>Permission denied.
        >>>Press Enter to close...
        >>kak viju comprasing v kliente ispolzuetsya
        >>koro4e prosto day sshd_conf suda
        >Вот конфиг, работает на ура на версиях 4.x и 5.x, на 6-ой
        >ни в какую.
        ># This is ssh server systemwide configuration file.
        ># $FreeBSD: src/crypto/openssh/sshd_config,v 2001/01/18 22:36:53 green Exp $
        >Port 22
        >#Protocol 2,1
        >#ListenAddress ::
        >HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key
        >HostDsaKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
        >ServerKeyBits 768
        >LoginGraceTime 120
        >KeyRegenerationInterval 3600
        >PermitRootLogin no
        ># ConnectionsPerPeriod has been deprecated completely
        ># After 10 unauthenticated connections, refuse 30% of the new ones, and
        ># refuse any more than 60 total.
        >MaxStartups 10:30:60
        ># Don't read ~/.rhosts and ~/.shosts files
        >IgnoreRhosts yes
        ># Uncomment if you don't trust ~/.ssh/known_hosts for RhostsRSAAuthentication
        >#IgnoreUserKnownHosts yes
        >StrictModes yes
        >X11Forwarding yes
        >X11DisplayOffset 10
        >PrintMotd yes
        >KeepAlive yes
        ># Logging
        >SyslogFacility AUTH
        >LogLevel INFO
        >#obsoletes QuietMode and FascistLogging
        >#RhostsAuthentication no
        ># For this to work you will also need host keys in
        >RhostsRSAAuthentication no
        >RSAAuthentication yes
        ># To disable tunneled clear text passwords, change to no here!
        >PasswordAuthentication yes
        >PermitEmptyPasswords no
        ># Uncomment to disable s/key passwords
        >#SkeyAuthentication no
        >#KbdInteractiveAuthentication yes
        ># To change Kerberos options
        >#KerberosAuthentication no
        >#KerberosOrLocalPasswd yes
        >#AFSTokenPassing no
        >#KerberosTicketCleanup no
        ># Kerberos TGT Passing does only work with the AFS kaserver
        >#KerberosTgtPassing yes
        >#CheckMail yes
        >GatewayPorts no
        >AllowTcpForwarding yes
        >Protocol 2
        >#UseLogin no
        ># Uncomment if you want to enable sftp
        >#Subsystem sftp /usr/libexec/sftp-server

        Да потом малость подправил конфиг, разрешив руту логон, рута пускает, других юзеров не хочет (с теми же ошибками, как в первом посте)

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