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"Захват контроля над IRC-сетью FreeNode, уход персонала и создание новой сети Libera.Chat"
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. "Захват контроля над IRC-сетью FreeNode, уход персонала и соз..." +/
Сообщение от B (?), 20-Май-21, 17:40 
Andrew Lee:


Given the millions I have injected into freenode thus far, the fact I own it and the fact that I protected the freenode staff with professional legal work and funding when they needed help and they could still lie and slander like this… says a lot about who they are. It saddens me that christel was forced out, and I wish she'd feel safe returning. I'm frustrated that tomaw's hostile takeover seems likely to succeed, in spite of all. I simply want freenode to keep on being a great IRC network, and to support it financially and legally as I have for a long time now.


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Захват контроля над IRC-сетью FreeNode, уход персонала и создание новой сети Libera.Chat, opennews, 19-Май-21, 22:46  [смотреть все]
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