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"Релиз СУБД SQLite 3.20.0"
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. "Релиз СУБД SQLite 3.20.0" +1 +/
Сообщение от Аноним84701 (ok), 07-Авг-17, 14:59 
> Перевод без контекста все равно бессмысленен.

Это да.
> Получается тупое хейтерство, а его тут, на самом деле, нет.

Гм-хм ...
> Linus Torvalds <>
> C++ is a horrible language. It's made more horrible by the fact that a lot  of substandard programmers use it, to the point where it's much much easier to generate total and utter crap with it. Quite frankly, even if the choice of C were to do *nothing* but keep the C++ programmers out, that in itself would be a huge reason to use C.
> I've come  to the conclusion that any programmer that would prefer the project to be in C++ over C is likely a programmer that I really *would* prefer to piss off, so that he doesn't come and screw up any project I'm involved with.
> C++ leads to really really bad design choices.

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Релиз СУБД SQLite 3.20.0, opennews, 07-Авг-17, 12:22  [смотреть все]
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