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"FreeBSD + Sendmail + procmail+ cyrus"
Отправлено halt, 10-Фев-10 11:37 
Делай связку Spamassasin-Sendmail с помощью milter-spamc
сейчас он платный, но старые версии халявные если не найдешь я вышлю
сам milter работает стабильно, я его еще доработал и связал с mysql
Выдержка из хелпа:

-a email        copy all mail to email address
-A              always add the X-Spam-Report: header report of rules triggered
-b email        copy junk mail to email address
-B email        redirect junk mail to email address
-c email        copy clean mail to email address
-C              check for spam only, disable X-Spam-Report: header completely
-d excess       discard spam messages that exceed the threshold by N
-f cf           pathname of file for access database whitelists
-F format       redirect junk mail to reformated recipient addresses
-h              this usage summary
-H host         spamd host name or IP
-K kilo         how many KB to pass to SpamAssassin, 64 default, 0 unlimited
-l limit        limit number of untrusted recipients per message
-p              discard instead of reject if Precedence is list or lower
-P port         spamd port address, -1 to disable spamd filtering
-r excess       reject spam that exceeds the threshold by N, overrides delivery
-R excess       reject spam that exceeds the threshold by N, allow delivery
-s tag          spam subject tag
-S              append the spam score to the spam subject tag
-t timeout      sendmail/milter I/O timeout in seconds, 0 indefinite
-T timeout      milter/spamd I/O timeout in seconds, 0 indefinite
-u user         default user account to process messages with
-U user         force message processing with this user account
-v detail       comma separated list of what to write to the mail log:
                0, all, info, trace, parse, debug, dialog, state, dns
                cache, database, socket-fd, socket-all, libmilter


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Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov
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