Программа chpasswd читает список пар "пользователь пароль" из стандартного входного потока и обновляет информацию о существующих пользователях. Каждая строка имеет вид:
The default encryption algorithm can be defined for the system with the ENCRYPT_METHOD variable of /etc/login.defs, and can be overwiten with the -e, -m, or -c options.
Данная команда предназначена для работы в крупных системных средах, где за один раз заводится несколько учётных записей.
Параметры команды chpasswd:
-c, --crypt-method
The available methods are DES, MD5, NONE, and SHA256 or SHA512 if your libc support these methods.
-e, --encrypted
-h, --help
-m, --md5
-s, --sha-rounds
The value 0 means that the system will choose the default number of rounds for the crypt method (5000).
A minimal value of 1000 and a maximal value of 999,999,999 will be enforced.
You can only use this option with the SHA256 or SHA512 crypt method.
By default, the number of rounds is defined by the SHA_CRYPT_MIN_ROUNDS and SHA_CRYPT_MAX_ROUNDS variables in /etc/login.defs.
Не забудьте установить права или umask, чтобы не позволить чтение нешифрованных файлов другими пользователями.
PAM is not used to update the passwords. Only /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow are updated, and the various checks or options provided by PAM modules are not used.
The following configuration variables in /etc/login.defs change the behavior of this tool:
It can take one of these values:
Note: this parameter overrides the MD5_CRYPT_ENAB variable.
Note: if you use PAM, it is recommended to set this variable consistently with the PAM modules configuration.
MD5_CRYPT_ENAB (boolean)
This variable is superceded by the ENCRYPT_METHOD variable or by any command line option used to configure the encryption algorithm.
This variable is deprecated. You should use ENCRYPT_METHOD.
Note: if you use PAM, it is recommended to set this variable consistently with the PAM modules configuration.
With a lot of rounds, it is more difficult to brute forcing the password. But note also that more CPU resources will be needed to authenticate users.
If not specified, the libc will choose the default number of rounds (5000).
The values must be inside the 1000-999999999 range.
If only one of the SHA_CRYPT_MIN_ROUNDS or SHA_CRYPT_MAX_ROUNDS values is set, then this value will be used.
If SHA_CRYPT_MIN_ROUNDS > SHA_CRYPT_MAX_ROUNDS, the highest value will be used.
passwd(1), newusers(8), useradd(8), login.defs(5).
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