ckpasswd - nnrpd password authenticator
ckpasswd accepts a username and password from nnrpd and tells nnrpd(8) whether that's the correct password for that username. By default, when given no arguments, it checks the password against the password field returned by getpwnam(3). Note that these days most systems no longer make real passwords available via getpwnam(3) (some still do if and only if the program calling getpwnam(3) is running as root).
Note that ckpasswd expects all passwords to be stored encrypted by the system crypt(3) function and calls crypt(3) on the supplied password before comparing it to the expected password.
While INN doesn't come with a program intended specifically to create such databases, on most systems it's fairly easy to write a Perl script to do so. Something like:
#!/usr/bin/perl use NDBM_File; use Fcntl; tie (%db, 'NDBM_File', '/path/to/database', O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0640) or die "Cannot open /path/to/database: $!\n"; $| = 1; print "Username: "; my $user = <STDIN>; chomp $user; print "Password: "; my $passwd = <STDIN>; chomp $passwd; my @alphabet = ('.', '/', 0..9, 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z'); my $salt = join '', @alphabet[rand 64, rand 64]; $db{$user} = crypt ($passwd, $salt); untie %db;Note that this will echo back the password when typed; there are obvious improvements that could be made to this, but it should be a reasonable start.
This option will not be available on systems without dbm or ndbm
username:pdIh9NCNslkq6(and each line may have an additional colon after the encrypted password and additional data; that data will be ignored by ckpasswd). INN does not come with a utility to create the encrypted passwords, but it's a quick job with Perl (see the example script under -d).
Most systems require special privileges to call getspnam(3), so in order to use this option you may need to make ckpasswd setgid to some group (like group ``shadow'') or even setuid root. ckpasswd has not been specifically audited for such uses! It is, however, a very small program that you should be able to check by hand for security.
This configuration is not recommended if it can be avoided, since the NNTP protocol has no way of protecting passwords from casual interception, and using system passwords to authenticate NNTP connections therefore opens you up to the risk of password sniffing. If you do use system passwords to authenticate connections, you should seriously consider only doing NNTP through ssh tunnels or over SSL.
$Id: ckpasswd.1,v 2000/11/06 08:41:11 rra Exp $
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