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libmikmod-config ()
  • >> libmikmod-config (1) ( Linux man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )


    libmikmod-config - script to get information about the installed version of



    libmikmod-config [--prefix[=DIR]] [--exec-prefix[=DIR]] [--version] [--libs] [--cflags] [--ldadd]



    libmikmod-config is a tool that is used to configure to determine the compiler and linker flags that should be used to compile and link programs that use libmikmod. It is also used internally to the .m4 macros for GNU autoconf that are included with libmikmod.



    libmikmod-config accepts the following options:
    Print the currently installed version of libmikmod on the standard output.
    Print the linker flags that are necessary to link a libmikmod program.
    Print the extra linker flags that are necessary to link a libmikmod program if it was compiled with the GNU C compiler.
    Print the compiler flags that are necessary to compile a libmikmod program.
    If specified, use PREFIX instead of the installation prefix that libmikmod was built with when computing the output for the --cflags and --libs options. This option is also used for the exec prefix if --exec-prefix was not specified. This option must be specified before any --libs or --cflags options.
    If specified, use PREFIX instead of the installation exec prefix that libmikmod was built with when computing the output for the --cflags and --libs options. This option must be specified before any --libs or --cflags options.



    libmikmod is the result of the work of many people, including: Jean-Paul Mikkers, Jake Stine, Miodrag Vallat, Steve McIntyre, Peter Amstutz, and many others.

    A full list of people having worked on libmikmod can be found in the libmikmod source package.

    This man page was inspired by the gtk-config man page written by Owen Taylor.

    The k in ``Januark'' is not a typo. It's a genuine Y2K bug.




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