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vlan ()
  • >> vlan (4) ( FreeBSD man: Специальные файлы /dev/* )
  • Ключ vlan обнаружен в базе ключевых слов.

  • BSD mandoc


     - IEEE 802.1Q VLAN network interface


    To compile this driver into the kernel, place the following lines in your kernel configuration file:
    device miibus device vlan

    Alternatively, to load the driver as a module at boot time, place the following line in loader.conf5:



    The driver demultiplexes frames tagged according to the IEEE 802.1Q standard into logical network interfaces, which allows routing/bridging between multiple VLANs through a single switch trunk port.

    Each interface is created at runtime using interface cloning. This is most easily done with the ifconfig(8) create command or using the cloned_interfaces variable in rc.conf5.

    To function, a interface must be assigned a parent interface and numeric VLAN tag using ifconfig(8). A single parent can be assigned to multiple interfaces provided they have different tags. The parent interface is likely to be an Ethernet card connected to a properly configured switch port. The VLAN tag should match one of those set up in the switched network.

    Initially assumes the same minimum length for tagged and untagged frames. This mode is selected by the sysctl(8) variable set to 0 (default). However, there are network devices that fail to adjust frame length, should it fall below the allowed minimum due to untagging. Such devices should be able to interoperate with after changing the value of to 1. In the latter mode, will pad short frames before tagging them so that their length stays not less than the minimum value after untagging by the non-compliant devices.  


    The driver supports efficient operation over parent interfaces that can provide help in processing VLANs. Such interfaces are automatically recognized by their capabilities. Depending on the level of sophistication found in a physical interface, it may do full VLAN processing or just be able to receive and transmit long frames (up to 1522 bytes including an Ethernet header and FCS). The capabilities may be user-controlled by the respective parameters to ifconfig(8), vlanhwtag and vlanmtu However, a physical interface is not obliged to react to them: It may have either capability enabled permanently without a way to turn it off. The whole issue is very specific to a particular device and its driver.

    By now, the list of physical interfaces able of full VLAN processing in the hardware is limited to the following devices: ae(4), age(4), ale(4), bce(4), bge(4), cxgb(4), em(4), ixgb(4), jme(4), msk(4), nge(4), re(4), stge(4), ti(4), txp(4), and vge(4).

    The rest of the Ethernet interfaces can run VLANs using software emulation in the driver. However, some of them lack the capability of transmitting and receiving long frames. Assigning such an interface as the parent to will result in a reduced MTU on the corresponding interfaces. In the modern Internet, this is likely to cause tcp(4) connectivity problems due to massive, inadequate icmp(4) filtering that breaks the Path MTU Discovery mechanism.

    The following interfaces support long frames for natively: bfe(4), dc(4), fwe(4), fxp(4), gem(4), hme(4), le(4), nfe(4), nve(4), rl(4), sf(4), sis(4), sk(4), ste(4), tl(4), tx(4), vr(4), and xl(4).

    The driver automatically recognizes devices that natively support long frames for use and calculates the appropriate frame MTU based on the capabilities of the parent interface. Some other interfaces not listed above may handle long frames, but they do not advertise this ability of theirs. The MTU setting on can be corrected manually if used in conjunction with such a parent interface.  


    kqueue(2), miibus(4), ifconfig(8), sysctl(8)  


    No 802.1Q features except VLAN tagging are implemented.

    EVFILT_NETDEV events on a interface will be sent through kqueue(2) only if the parent interface uses miibus(4) for link state notification.




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