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A. Network Interface Cards

In this section you will find a (for now) very incomplete list of NIC's which are known to work or known to cause problem. For I neither have the money to buy a lot of different NIC's, nor I have any connections to hardware vendors, I depend on your feedback to keep the list accurate. So feel free to mail about success or failure to Uwe BЖhme.

Valuing Of NIC Information

- - -

Cards I tried and are also reported not to work by other people

- -

Cards I tried or are reported not to work by other people


Cards reported not to work by other people


Cards reported to work by other people

+ +

Cards I tried or are reported to work by other people

+ + +

Cards I tried and are also reported to work by other people

NIC Information

3c509b Etherlink III

+ +


+ + + Never heard about any problem

HP J2585A

- - System hang-up after ifconfig, unable to run promisc mode

HP J2585B

+ +

AMD PCnet32 10/100

+ +

RTL (Realtek) 8029

+ +

Inferno Solutions
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Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov
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