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intrstat (1)
  • >> intrstat (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )


    intrstat - report interrupt statistics


    /usr/sbin/intrstat [-c cpulist | -C processor_set_id] 
        [interval [count]]



    The intrstat utility gathers and displays run-time interrupt statistics. The output is a table of device names and CPU IDs, where each row of the table denotes a device, and each column of the table denotes a CPU. Each cell in the table contains both the raw number of interrupts for the given device on the given CPU, and the percentage of absolute time spent in that device's interrupt handler on that CPU.

    The device name is given in the form of {name}#{instance}. The name is the normalized driver name, and typically corresponds to the name of the module implementing the driver. See ddi_driver_name(9F). Many Sun-delivered drivers have their own manual pages. See Intro(7).

    If standard output is a terminal, the table contains as many columns of data as can fit within the terminal width. If standard output is not a terminal, the table contains at most four columns of data. By default, data is gathered and displayed for all CPUs. If the data cannot fit in a single table, it is printed across multiple tables. The set of CPUs for which data is displayed can be optionally specified with the -c or -C option.

    By default, intrstat displays data once per second and runs indefinitely. Both of these behaviors can be optionally controlled with the interval and count parameters, respectively. See OPERANDS.

    Because intrstat uses dynamic discovery, it reports only on devices that raise interrupts while the command is running. Any devices that are silent while intrstat is running are not displayed.

    intrstat induces a small system-wide performance degradation. As a result, only the super-user can run intrstat by default. The Solaris Dynamic Tracing Guide explains how administrators can grant privileges to other users to permit them to run intrstat.  


    The following options are supported:

    -c cpulist

    Displays data for the CPUs specified by cpulist.

    cpulist can be a single processor ID (for example, 4), a range of processor IDs (for example, 4-6), or a comma separated list of processor IDs or processor ID ranges (for example, 4,5,6 or 4,6-8).

    -C processor_set_id

    Displays data for the CPUs in the processor set specified by processor_set_id.

    intrstat modifies its output to always reflect the CPUs in the specified processor set. If a CPU is added to the set, intrstat modifies its output to include the added CPU. If a CPU is removed from the set, intrstat modifies its output to exclude the removed CPU. At most one processor set can be specified.



    The following operands are supported:


    Indicates the number of intervals to execute before exiting.


    Indicates the number of seconds to be executed before exiting.



    Example 1 Using intrstat Without Options

    Without options, intrstat displays a table of trap types and CPUs. At most, four columns can fit in the default terminal width. If there are more than four CPUs, multiple tables are displayed.

    The following example runs intrstat on a uniprocessor Intel IA/32-based laptop:

    example# intrstat
                  device |      cpu0 %tim
                   ata#0 |       166  0.4
                   ata#1 |         0  0.0
             audioi810#0 |         6  0.0
                 i8042#0 |       281  0.7
                  iprb#0 |         6  0.0
                  uhci#1 |         6  0.0
                  uhci#2 |         6  0.0
                  device |      cpu0 %tim
                   ata#0 |       161  0.5
                   ata#1 |         0  0.0
             audioi810#0 |         6  0.0
                 i8042#0 |       303  0.6
                  iprb#0 |         6  0.0
                  uhci#1 |         6  0.0
                  uhci#2 |         6  0.0



    See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:



    Interface Stability

    The command-line syntax is Evolving. The human-readable output is Unstable.  


    dtrace(1M), trapstat(1M), attributes(5), Intro(7), ddi_driver_name(9F)

    Solaris Dynamic Tracing Guide




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