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sdtmedia_prop (1)
  • >> sdtmedia_prop (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         sdtmedia_prop - The CDE Removable Media Properties Utility
         sdtmedia_prop [-u <b|k|m|g>]  raw_device
         The sdtmedia_prop is a utility for displaying information
         about removable media within CDE.  It provides an easy-to-
         use interface that allows users to view general information
         about a medium, such as Alias, Mount Point, File System,
         Capacity, Type of medium and its current protection, or
         Specific information about the space used and available. By
         default all sizes are shown in bytes.
         The sdtformat_media utility defines  command-line parameters
         that may be entered to use the utility.
            -u <b|k|m|g>   The -u flag is used to specify which units
                           the user wishes the capacities to be
                           displayed in. These are b bytes, k Kilo-
                           bytes, m Megabytes and G for Gigabytes.
            raw_device     specifies the medium whose properties we
                           wish to display. The raw device can be
                           either the volume path to the device, or
                           the alias for the device(ie. cdrom0) .
                           This is the executable for the CDE Media
                           Properties utility.
                           This file includes the application
                           defaults for the CDE Media Properties
      sdtmedia_prop /vol/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0
      sdtmedia_prop cdrom0
      sdtmedia_prop -u k /vol/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0
         Upon sucessful completion sdtmedia_prop returns zero, other-
         wise the return value is non-zero.
      ENOTSUP (48) Operation not Supported
         errno will be set to this value when the operation is not
         supported. For example, set_protection_status() for a floppy
         device is not supported.
      ENXIO ( 6) No such device
         errno will be set to this value when the requested device
         name  does not exist.
      EACCESS (13) Can not open device/
         errno will be set to this value when user does not have per-
         mission for performing the requested operation.
      EIO (5) I/O Error
         errno will be set to this value when an I/O error occurs
         while performing the requested operation.
      RM_NOTSUP (154) Device not Supported
         errno will be set to this value when the requested device
         name is of unknown type.
      RM_FIP (153) Format in progress. :
         errno will be set to this value if any operation (except
         check_format_status()) is attempted when a format operation
         is in progress.
         sdtmedia_slice(1), sdtmedia_prot(1), sdtformat_media(1),
         dtfile(1), sdtvolcheck(1), vold(1)

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