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sdtprocess (1)
  • >> sdtprocess (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         sdtprocess - CDE process manager
         sdtprocess [-1|-0] [-o logfile] [-g filterstring] [-k  sort-
         key] [-f findstring] [-t secs]
         sdtprocess is used to monitor and control processes  running
         on the local system.
         sdtprocess shows lines of ps(1) output that can be sorted by
         any  column.   The Process menu invokes on the selected pro-
         cess any of the actions enumerated in the CDE typing  system
         for the PROCESS datatype:
         Look Up Owner
                   Run sdtname(1) to look  up  the  process's  owner,
                   using the options -d passwd -k user.
         Suspend   Run pstop(1) to suspend the  process,  like  using
                   ctrl-Z at the command line.
         Resume    Run prun(1) to resume a suspended process.
         Kill      Run kill(1) -TERM, and then -KILL if  the  process
                   is still alive.
         Signal... Prompt the user for a signal to send via kill(1).
         Debug...  Invoke the Debug action,  which  by  default  runs
                   workshop(1) -D - pid.
         Trace System Calls..
                   Run truss(1).
         Trace Children...
                   Run  truss(1)  -fa  -texec,fork   to   trace   all
                   processes spawned as descendents of the process.
         Show Stack...
                   Run pstack(1) to print a stack trace showing where
                   the process is in the execution of its program.
         Show Ancestry...
                   Run ptree(1) to list ancestor processes.
         The following options are available:
         -0        Start stdprocess with sampling turned off.
         -1        Start stdprocess with  sampling  turned  off,  but
                   first take one sample.
         -o logfile
                   Log output to logfile.
         -k sortkey
                   Sort process descriptions by the  ps(1)  statistic
                   named sortkey.
         -g filterstring
                   Show only process  descriptions  matching  filter-
         -f findstring
                   Select the first  process  description  containing
         -t secs   Set the  process  statistics  sampling  frequency.
                   The default is 30 seconds.
         ps(1), kill(1), truss(1), prun(1), pstop(1), pstack(1),
         ptree(1), sdtname(1)

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