NAME ssh-dummy-shell - Ultimately restricted shell SYNOPSIS ssh-dummy-shell [-c sftp-shell] DESCRIPTION ssh-dummy-shell is used to provide access to systems where only file transfer functionality is permitted. Users with file transfer only access can have ssh-dummy-shell as their user shell. When executed without any parameters, the pro- gram waits for user to press any key and exit. The only way to execute programs with ssh-dummy-shell is to give them as command line parameters with the -c option. Even then, sftp-server is the only allowed command. OPTIONS -c command Parameter is executed as a shell command. Only sftp- server command is allowed. Any other command causes ssh-dummy-shell to exit immediately. RETURN STATUS ssh-dummy-shell returns the return value of the given com- mand. If no command is given, 0 will be returned on exit. FILES /etc/ssh2/ssh_dummy_shell.out Contains the message that is shown to the user when ssh-dummy-shell is executed without any parameters. AUTHORS SSH Communications Security Corp For more information, see SEE ALSO sftp(1), sftp-server(1), ssh2(1), sshd2(8)
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