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fn_string_from_substring (3)
  • >> fn_string_from_substring (3) ( Solaris man: Библиотечные вызовы )
         FN_string_t,      fn_string_create,       fn_string_destroy,
         fn_string_from_str,   fn_string_from_str_n,   fn_string_str,
         fn_string_from_contents,                 fn_string_code_set,
         fn_string_charcount,                    fn_string_bytecount,
         fn_string_contents,    fn_string_copy,     fn_string_assign,
         fn_string_from_strings,            fn_string_from_substring,
         fn_string_is_empty,                       fn_string_compare,
         fn_string_compare_substring,       fn_string_next_substring,
         fn_string_prev_substring - a character string
         cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lxfn [ library ... ]
         #include <xfn/xfn.h>
         FN_string_t *fn_string_create(void);
         void fn_string_destroy(FN_string_t *str);
         FN_string_t *fn_string_from_str(const unsigned char *cstr);
         FN_string_t *fn_string_from_str_n(const unsigned char *cstr,
         size_t n);
         const unsigned char *fn_string_str(const  FN_string_t  *str,
         unsigned int *status);
         FN_string_t *fn_string_from_contents(unsigned long code_set,
         const  void  *locale_info,  size_t  locale_info_len,  size_t
         charcount, size_t bytecount, const void *contents,  unsigned
         int *status);
         unsigned  long  fn_string_code_set(const  FN_string_t  *str,
         const void **locale_info, size_t *locale_info_len);
         size_t fn_string_charcount(const FN_string_t *str);
         size_t fn_string_bytecount(const FN_string_t *str);
         const void *fn_string_contents(const FN_string_t *str);
         FN_string_t *fn_string_copy(const FN_string_t *str);
         FN_string_t   *fn_string_assign(FN_string_t   *dst,    const
         FN_string_t *src);
         FN_string_t  *fn_string_from_strings(unsigned  int  *status,
         const FN_string_t *s1, const FN_string_t *s2, ...);
         FN_string_t *fn_string_from_substring(constFN_string_t *str,
         int first, int last);
         int fn_string_is_empty(const FN_string_t *str);
         int   fn_string_compare(const   FN_string_t   *str1,   const
         FN_string_t  *str2,  unsigned  int string_case, unsigned int
         int fn_string_compare_substring(const FN_string_t *str1, int
         first,  int  last,  const  FN_string_t  *str2,  unsigned int
         string_case, unsigned int *status);
         int fn_string_next_substring(const FN_string_t  *str,  const
         FN_string_t  *sub,  int  index,  unsigned  int  string_case,
         unsigned int *status);
         int fn_string_prev_substring(const FN_string_t  *str,  const
         FN_string_t  *sub,  int  index,  unsigned  int  string_case,
         unsigned int *status);
         The FN_string_t type is used to represent character  strings
         in  the  XFN interface. It provides insulation from specific
         string representations.
         The FN_string_t supports multiple  code  sets.  It  provides
         creation  functions for character strings of the code set of
         the current locale setting and a generic  creation  function
         for arbitrary code sets. The degree of support for the func-
         tions that manipulate FN_string_t for arbitrary code sets is
         implementation-dependent.  An XFN implementation is required
         to support the ISO 646 code set; all  other  code  sets  are
         fn_string_destroy() releases the storage associated with the
         given string.
         fn_string_create() creates an empty string.
         fn_string_from_str() creates an FN_string_t object from  the
         given  null  terminated  string based on the code set of the
         current locale setting. The  number  of  characters  in  the
         string  is  determined by the code set of the current locale
         setting. fn_string_from_str_n() is like fn_string_from_str()
         except  only  n  characters  from the given string are used.
         fn_string_str() returns the contents of the given string str
         in  the form of a null terminated string in the code set and
         current locale setting.
         fn_string_from_contents()  creates  an  FN_string_t   object
         using  the  specified code set  code_set, locale information
         locale_info,  and  data  in  the  given   buffer   contents.
         bytecount  specifies  the  number  of  bytes in contents and
         charcount specifies the number of characters represented  by
         fn_string_code_set() returns the code  set  associated  with
         the given string object and, if present, the locale informa-
         tion  in  locale_info.  fn_string_charcount()  returns   the
         number   of   characters   in   the   given  string  object.
         fn_string_bytecount() returns the number of  bytes  used  to
         represent  the  given  string  object.  fn_string_contents()
         returns a pointer  to  the  contents  of  the  given  string
         fn_string_copy() returns a copy of the given string  object.
         fn_string_assign() makes a copy of the string object src and
         assigns it to dst, releasing any  old  contents  of  dst.  A
         pointer   to   the   same   object   as   dst  is  returned.
         fn_string_from_strings() is a function that takes a variable
         number  of  arguments (minimum of 2), the last of which must
         be NULL (0); it returns a new string object composed of  the
         left  to  right  concatenation  of the given strings, in the
         given order. The support for  strings  with  different  code
         sets  and/or  locales as arguments to a single invocation of
         fn_string_from_strings()    is     implementation-dependent.
         fn_string_from_substring()  returns a new string object con-
         sisting of the  characters located between  first  and  last
         inclusive  from  str.  Indexing  begins  with  0. If last is
         FN_STRING_INDEX_LAST or exceeds the length  of  the  string,
         the index of the last character of the string is used.
         fn_string_is_empty() returns whether str is an empty string.
         Comparison of two strings must take into  account  code  set
         and locale information.  If strings are in the same code set
         and same locale, case sensitivity is  applied  according  to
         the  case  sensitivity rules applicable for the code set and
         locale; case sensitivity may not necessarily be relevant for
         all  string  encodings. If  string_case is non-zero, case is
         significant and equality for strings of the same code set is
         defined  as equality between byte-wise encoded values of the
         strings. If string_case is zero, case is ignored and  equal-
         ity  for  strings  of the same code set is defined using the
         definition of case-insensitive  equality  for  the  specific
         code  set.  Support  for  comparison between strings of dif-
         ferent  code  sets,  or  lack  thereof,  is  implementation-
         fn_string_compare()  compares  strings  str1  and  str2  and
         returns 0 if they are equal, non-zero if they are not equal.
         If two strings are not equal,  fn_string_compare() returns a
         positive  value  if  the difference of str2 precedes that of
         str1  in  terms  of  byte-wise  encoded  value  (with  case-
         sensitivity  taken  into  account  when  string_case is non-
         zero), and a  negative  value  if  the  difference  of  str1
         precedes  that  of str2, in terms of byte-wise encoded value
         (with case-sensitivity taken into account  when  string_case
         is  non-zero).  Such  information  (positive versus negative
         return value) may be used by applications that  use  strings
         of  code sets in which ordering is meaningful; this informa-
         tion is not of general  use  in  internationalized  environ-
         ments.    fn_string_compare_substring()    is   similar   to
         fn_string_compare()               except                that
         fn_string_compare_substring()  compares  characters  between
         first and last inclusive of str2 with  str1.  Comparison  of
         strings  with  incompatible  code sets returns a negative or
         positive value (never 0) depending on the implementation.
         fn_string_next_substring() returns the  index  of  the  next
         occurrence  of  sub  at  or  after  index in the string str.
         FN_STRING_INDEX_NONE is returned  if  sub  does  not  occur.
         fn_string_prev_substring() returns the index of the previous
         occurrence of sub at or before  index  in  the  string  str.
         FN_STRING_INDEX_NONE  is  returned if sub does not occur. In
         both of these functions, string_case specifies  whether  the
         search should take case-sensitivity into account.
         fn_string_str()   returns   0    and    sets    status    to
         FN_E_INCOMPATIBLE_CODE_SETS  if the given string's represen-
         tation cannot be converted into the code set of the  current
         locale  setting.  It  is implementation-dependent which code
         sets can be converted into  the  code  set  of  the  current
         Code  set  mismatches  that  occur   during   concatenation,
         searches,  or comparisons are resolved in an implementation-
         dependent way. When an implementation discovers  that  argu-
         ments  to  substring searches and comparison operations have
         incompatible    code    sets,    it    sets    status     to
         FN_E_INCOMPATIBLE_CODE_SETS.       In       such      cases,
         fn_string_from_strings() returns 0. The returned  value  for
         comparison  operations  when  there  is  code  set or locale
         incompatibility is either negative or positive (greater than
         0); it is never 0.
         fn_string_from_contents() returns 0 and  status  is  set  to
         FN_E_INCOMPATIBLE_CODE_SETS  if the supplied code set and/or
         locale information are not supported by the XFN  implementa-
         See attributes (5) for descriptions of the following  attri-
        |       ATTRIBUTE TYPE        |       ATTRIBUTE VALUE       |
        | MT-Level                    | MT-Safe                     |
         xfn(3XFN), attributes(5)
         The implementation of XFN in this Solaris release  is  based
         on  the  X/Open preliminary specification. It is likely that
         there will be minor changes to these interfaces  to  reflect
         changes in the final version of this specification. The next
         minor release of Solaris will offer binary compatibility for
         applications  developed using the current interfaces. As the
         interfaces evolve toward  standardization,  it  is  possible
         that  future  releases  of Solaris will require minor source
         code  changes  to  applications  that  have  been  developed
         against the preliminary specification.

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