NAME DtToolTip(3) - the tooltip application interface. SYNOPSIS #include <Dt/Tooltip.h> DESCRIPTION This man page describes the desktop tooltip application interface that can be used by developers to utilize the the tooltip functionality. This functionality is split into two areas, the display interface and the manager interface. The display interface is responsible for the display of a tooltip window containing a specified text label, which also includes time delays associated with the display (pop up) and removal (pop down) of the tooltip window. The manager interface uses the display interface to manage the tooltip functionality of primitive widgets and gadgets. Consequently, the manager interface instigates the display and removal of a tooltip window when the pointer enters and leaves a primitive widget or gadget. The manager interface also associates tooltip status with primitive widgets and gadgets via X resources. Such tooltip status includes the tooltip label and a boolean flag indicating whether or not a tooltip should be displayed. The majority of developers will make use of the manager interface to efficiently add tooltips to buttons on toolbars and to manage the display of the tooltip window. The manager interface may be used to efficiently add tooltips to buttons on toolbars and to manage the display of the tooltip window. Since the manager interface is linked with the X resource mechanism tooltip labels may be defined in resource files. All that is required is one procedure call per widget requiring tooltip functionality and the addition of one include file. A general overview of each interface is described in terms of the features that may be used. This description will involve references to procedures and X resources of the interfaces. These associated name spaces are then described in more detail in the appropriate sections. The Display Interface The Display interface is responsible for the display of a tooltip window containing a specified text label, which also includes time delays associated with the display (pop up) and removal (pop down) of the tooltip window. Additionally the application shell is created with the same application name and application class as the top level widget passed to the create procedure. This ensures that the tooltip display resources may be application specific. Class Description The DtTooltipDisplay widget inherits behavior and resources from Core, Composite, Shell, and OverrideShell classes. The class pointer is dtTooltipDisplayWidgetClass. The class name is DtTooltipDisplay. Functions #include <Dt/Tooltip.h> Widget DtCreateTooltipDisplay (Widget parent, char* name, ArgList arglist, Cardinal argcount) Creates an instance of a Tooltip display widget and returns the associated widget ID. parent Specifies the parent widget ID. name Specifies the name of the created widget. arglist Specifies the argument list. argcount Specifies the number of attribute.value pairs in the argument list (arglist). void DtTooltipDisplayPopup (Widget tooltipdisplay) Displays the tooltip window using the previously speci- fied tooltip label and position. The tooltip label may be modified between invocations using the XmNlabel- String resource. tooltipdisplay Specifies the Tooltip display widget. void DtTooltipDisplayPopupAtLocation (Widget tooltipdisplay, XRectangle* rectangle, String tooltiplabel) Displays the tooltip window using a constraint rectan- gle to display the tooltip next to and a text label. tooltipdisplay Specifies the Tooltip display widget. rectangle Specifies the constraint rectangle next to which the tooltip window will be displayed. tooltiplabel Specifies the tooltip label that will be displayed inside the tooltip window. void DtTooltipDisplayPopdown (Widget tooltipdisplay) Pops down the displayed tooltip window. tooltipdisplay Specifies the Tooltip display widget. Resources DtToolTip Display Resource Set Name Class Type Default Access __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DtNpopdownDelay DtCPopdownDelay Cardinal 0 CSG DtNpopupFirstDelay DtCPopupFirstDelay Cardinal 1000 CSG DtNpopupTransitionDelay DtCPopupTransitionDelay Cardinal 100 CSG DtNpopupTransitionInterval DtCPopupTransitionInterval Cardinal 2000 CSG DtNtooltipBackground DtCTooltipBackground Pixel LightGoldenRodYellow CSG DtNtooltipForeground DtCTooltipForeground Pixel Black CSG DtNtooltipPopNotifyCallback DtCTooltipPopNotifyCallback XtCallbackList NULL CSG DtNtooltipStatusSensitive DtCTooltipStatusSensitive Boolean True CSG DtNwindowOffset DtCWindowOffset Dimension 4 CSG XmNalignment XmCAlignment unsigned char XmALIGNMENT_BEGINING CSG XmNattachment XmCAttachment unsigned char XmATTACH_SOUTH CSG XmNfontSet XmCFontSet FontSet Dynamic CSG XmNlabelString XmCLabelString String NULL CSG XmNmarginHeight XmCMarginHeight Dimension 2 CSG XmNmarginWidth XmCMarginWidth Dimension 2 CSG XmNsensitive XmCSensitive Boolean True CSG DtNpopdownDelay Specifies a time delay representing the interval of time that the tooltip will remain popped up after which the tooltip will automatically pop down. Units are specified in milli seconds. A value of 0 states no pop down delay so the tooltip window will stay present until popped down by other means. DtNpopupFirstDelay Specifies the time delay representing the interval of time that will occur between a pop up request and actual display of the tooltip window. Units are speci- fied in milli seconds. DtNpopupTransitionDelay Specifies an additional time delay representing the interval of time that will occur between a pop up request and actual display of the tooltip window. Units are specified in milli seconds. DtNpopupTransitionInterval Specifies the interval of time that will be used to decide which time delay to use for pop up, either DtNpopupFirstDelay or DtNpopupTransitionDelay. If the time interval between a previous display of the tooltip window and a request for pop up is greater than DtNpo- pupTransitionInterval then DtNpopupFirstDelay is used as the pop up delay, otherwise DtNpopupTransitionDelay is used. Units are specified in milli seconds. DtNtooltipBackground Specifies the colour of the tooltip window. DtNtooltipForeground Specifies the colour of the tooltip text. DtNtooltipPopNotifyCallback Specifies the call back list of procedures to be called when the tooltip item popped up and down. Specifically the callbacks are called immediately before the display and immediately after removal of the tooltip window. If a tooltip item is associated with the display of the tooltip and it has a non default DtNtooltipPopNotify- Callback resource value then the callback list for the display widget is not called. DtNtooltipStatusSensitive Specifies if tooltip status label display is sensitive. This resource may be applied to switch off all status label display for tooltips. DtNwindowOffset Specifies the offset, in pixels, between the given con- straint rectangle and the tooltip window. XmNalignment Specifies the alignment of the tooltip window on a chosen edge. Valid resource values are: XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING Align the left hand side of the tooltip window at the beginning of the edge. XmALIGNMENT_CENTER Align the centre of the tooltip window at the center of the edge. XmALIGNMENT_END Align the right hand side of the tooltip window at the end of the edge. If the chosen alignment results in clipping of the tooltip widow with the screen then the tooltip window is aligned to the closest screen edge. XmNattachment Specifies the edge attachment of the tooltip window corresponding to the edges defined by the constraint rectangle. Valid resource values are: XmATTACH_NORTH Attach the tooltip to the northern edge. XmATTACH_EAST Attach the tooltip to the eastern edge. XmATTACH_SOUTH Attach the tooltip to the southern edge. XmATTACH_WEST Attach the tooltip to the eastern edge. If the chosen edge attachment results in clipping of the tooltip window with the screen then the opposite edge is chosen. XmNfontSet Specifies the font to use for display of the text inside the tooltip window. XmNlabelString Specifies the tooltip text to be displayed inside the tooltip label. XmNmarginHeight Specifies the margin height between the tooltip text and the tooltip window. XmNmarginWidth Specifies the margin width between the tooltip text and the tooltip window. XmNsensitive Specifies if the tooltip display will respond to pop up requests. If false then the tooltip window will not be displayed when requested. This resource may be applied to switch all tooltips on or off. Inherited Resources Shell Resource Set Name Class Type Default Access ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ XmNallowShellResize XmCAllowShellResize Boolean True G XmNcreatePopupChildProc XmCCreatePopupChildProc XtCreatePopupChildProc NULL CSG XmNgeometry XmCGeometry String NULL CSG XmNoverrideRedirect XmCOverrideRedirect Boolean True CSG XmNpopdownCallback XmCCallback XtCallbackList NULL C XmNpopupCallback XmCCallback XtCallbackList NULL C XmNsaveUnder XmCSaveUnder Boolean True CSG XmNvisual XmCVisual Visual * CopyFromParent CSG Composite Resource Set Name Class Type Default Access ______________________________________________________________________ XmNchildren XmCReadOnly WidgetList NULL G XmNinsertPosition XmCInsertPosition XtOrderProc NULL CSG XmNnumChildren XmCReadOnly Cardinal 0 G Core Resource Set Name Class Type Default Access _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ XmNaccelerators XmCAccelerators XtAccelerators dynamic CSG XmNancestorSensitive XmCSensitive Boolean dynamic G XmNbackground XmCBackground Pixel dynamic CSG XmNbackgroundPixmap XmCPixmap Pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP CSG XmNborderColor XmCBorderColor Pixel XtDefaultForeground CSG XmNborderPixmap XmCPixmap Pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP CSG XmNborderWidth XmCBorderWidth Dimension 1 CSG XmNcolormap XmCColormap Colormap dynamic CG XmNdepth XmCDepth int dynamic CG XmNdestroyCallback XmCCallback XtCallbackList NULL C XmNheight XmCHeight Dimension dynamic CSG XmNinitialResourcesPersistent XmCInitialResourcesPersistent Boolean True C XmNmappedWhenManaged XmCMappedWhenManaged Boolean True CSG XmNscreen XmCScreen Screen * dynamic XmNsensitive XmCSensitive Boolean True CSG XmNtranslations XmCTranslations XtTranslations dynamic CSG XmNwidth XmCWidth Dimension dynamic CSG XmNx XmCPosition Position 0 CSG XmNy XmCPosition Position 0 CSG Callback Information The value of either True or False is passed to the callback of a DtNtooltipPopNotifyCallback procedure, corresponding to whether the tooltip display window is about to display or has been removed. The Manager Interface The manager interface enables the developer to efficiently add tooltip functionality to primitive widgets and gadgets without the need to manage tooltip display and state of the tooltip enabled items. The manager interface utilises the tooltip display interface and will automatically create an instance of the tooltip display widget, which is subse- quently used by all tooltip items created using the manager interface. The Manager interface uses the display interface to manage tooltip functionality for primitive widgets and gadgets. Thus the manager interface instigates display and removal of a tooltip window when the pointer enters and leaves a primi- tive widget or gadget and associates tooltip status with primitive widgets and gadgets via X resources. Such tooltip status includes the tooltip label and a boolean flag indi- cating whether or not a tooltip should be displayed. References to tooltip items are maintained via the primitive widget or gadget IDs. There is no requirement for the developer to maintain additional information. The tooltip display widget is used to efficiently maintain cross references between the primitive widget or gadget and the tooltip item. When the procedure DtTooltipItemCreate is first called for a widget on a particular screen it will create an instance of a Tooltip display widget on the appropriate screen. First a new application shell is created on the same screen as the widget in question then the DtTooltipDisplay widget is created with the new application shell as its parent. This ensures the tooltip display widget will not be deleted if any top level widgets of the main application are deleted. A tooltip item is created for a primitive widget or gadget by using the procedure DtCreateTooltipItem. This call will ensure that when the pointer enters the area of the primi- tive widget or gadget a request for pop up of the tooltip window occurs. When the pointer leaves the area or a key/button press occurs the tooltip window is popped down. It ensures that the tooltip state information is passed to the tooltip display via a tooltip item context reference. Hence when a tooltip item enabled primitive widget or gadget needs to display the tooltip window the manager ensures than the tooltip item context reference is switched to the corresponding primitive widget or gadget tooltip item. To enable tooltip display and removal of the tooltip window it is necessary to add event handlers to primitive widgets manager widget and gadgets. Addition is dependent on whether the item being created is associated with a primitive widget or a gadget. If the tooltip item is attached to a primitive widget then an event handler is added with the following event masks: EnterWindowMask, LeaveWindowMask, But- tonPressMask, KeyPressMask. If the tooltip item is attached to a gadget the the following events masks are added to its parent: EnterWindowMask, LeaveWindowMask, ButtonPressMask, KeyPressMask, PointerMotionMask. Functions #include <Dt/Tooltip.h> void DtCreateTooltipItem (Widget widget, ArgList arglist, Cardinal argcount) Creates a tooltip item to be associated with a widget so that when the pointer enters the widget a tooltip window will be displayed containing a tooltip label. This label is either passed as the resource DtNtoolti- pLabel or is contained in the X resource database and linked to the associated widget. widget The widget, either a primitive widget or gadget, that will be tooltip enabled. arglist Specifies the argument list argcount Specifies the number of attribute.value pairs in the argument list (arglist) void DtDestroyTooltipItem (Widget widget) Destroys a tooltip item associate with a widget. This is also occurs if the tooltip enabled widget is des- troyed. widget The widget, either a primitive widget or gadget, that has tooltip enabled functionality. void DtTooltipItemSetValues (Widget widget, ArgList arglist, Cardinal argcount) Set tooltip resources for a tooltip enabled widget. widget The widget, either a primitive widget or gadget, that has tooltip enabled functionality. arglist Specifies the argument list argcount Specifies the number of attribute.value pairs in the argument list (arglist) If the resource DtNtooltipLabel is modified while the tooltip window is displayed for the item widget the tooltip window is automatically adjusted to display the new text label. void DtTooltipItemGetValues (Widget widget, ArgList arglist, Cardinal argcount) Get tooltip resource for a tooltip enabled widget. widget The widget, either a primitive widget or gadget, that has tooltip enabled functionality. arglist Specifies the argument list. argcount Specifies the number of attribute.value pairs in the argument list (arglist). Widget DtTooltipItemGetTooltipDisplay (Widget widget) Returns the tooltip display widget associated with a specific widget. widget The widget, either a primitive widget or gadget, that has tooltip enabled functionality. If no tooltip item exists for the widget then a NULL is returned. Resources Tooltip Item Resource Set Name Class Default Type Access __________________________________________________________________________________________ DtNtooltipLabel DtCTooltipLabel String NULL CSG DtNtooltipPopNotifyCallback DtCTooltipPopNotifyCallback XtCallbackList NULL CSG DtNtooltipSensitive DtCTooltipSensitive Boolean True CSG DtNtooltipStatusLabel DtCTooltipStatusLabel String NULL CSG DtNtooltipStatusWidget DtCTooltipStatusWidget Widget NULL CSG DtNtooltipLabel Specifies the tooltip label to use for the associated item. DtNtooltipPopNotifyCallback Specifies the call back list of procedures to be called when the tooltip item popped up and down. Specifically the callbacks are called immediately before the display and immediately after removal of the tooltip window. DtNtooltipSensitive Specifies if the tooltip label is sensitive. If false the tooltip label will not be displayed. DtNtooltipStatusLabel Specifies the tooltip status label to be used for the associated item. This resource is used in conjuction with the DtNtooltipStatusWidget resource. If the resource value is NULL then no status label is displayed. DtNtooltipStatusWidget Specifies the tooltip status widget that is used to display the status label defined by the DtNtooltipSta- tusLabel resource. It is assumed that the specified widget uses the resource XmNlabelString. Conversion from type String to XmString is automatically performed by the API. No assumption is made about where the status widget resides. If the resource value is NULL then no status label is displayed, hence this resource may be used to individu- ally switch on or off status label display for tooltip items. Callback Information The value of either True or False is passed to the callback of a DtNtooltipPopNotifyCallback procedure, corresponding to whether the tooltip display window is about to display or has been removed.
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